Hispanic Center of Excellence

Mission Statement

The mission of the Hispanic Center of Excellence is to:

  • Increase the number of Latino physicians by expanding the educational pipeline for students interested in medicine.

  • Provide professional development opportunities to Latino and other faculty.

  • Prepare medical students, faculty and residents in delivering culturally competent healthcare services to the community.

  • Increase the quality and quantity of research on health issues that impact Latinos and other under served populations in our nation.


  • Increase the qualifications and academic development of Latino and other disadvantaged students at the pre-college through matriculation and graduation from the New Jersey Medical School.

  • Provide students with research opportunities on health related issues affecting Latino and other under served communities.

  • Introduce and expose medical students to health issues afflicting under served communities.

  • Increase access to literature on topics that impact the care of the Latino community. For further information, please click here.

  • Enhance the performance of all students in caring for diverse populations through a culturally and humanistic approach.

  • To develop curricular initiatives that addresses cultural competence education and training for all medical students, faculty, and administrators.

  • To increase the diversity of NJMS' faculty by fostering the recruitment and development of Latino faculty in our institution. Click here