Dr. Duran

Walter N. Durán, Ph.D.
Department of Pharmacology and Physiology
UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School
Medical Sciences Building , H633/H629E/H638
185 S. Orange Avenue
Newark , NJ 07103

(973) 972-4372


Dr. Duran

Biochemical Signaling Pathways in Microvascular Permeability

     The main function of the cardiovascular system is to support cell life through the exchange of solutes across microvascular walls. We are investigating the signaling pathways that control microvascular permeability. We have shown that PKC and NOS interact to promote a hyperpermeability state in response to pro- inflammatory agents. The steps between activation of the signaling pathways and the increase in permeability at the cellular and molecular levels remain to be elucidated. We use computer-assisted video image digital analysis, intravital fluorescence microscopy, western blotting, and RT-PCR methods in these investigations. In collaboration with investigators in the Division of Vascular Surgery, we study the pathophysiologic molecular basis for the loss of integrity of the microvascular barrier in inflammation, diabetes mellitus and in ischemia-reperfusion injury.

Dr. Duran

  • Aramoto H,  Breslin JW,  Pappas PJ,  Hobson RW II , Durán WN. (2004). Vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates differential signaling pathways in the in vivo microcirculation. Am J Physiol:Heart & Circ Physiol. 287: H1590-H1598.
  • Breslin JW, Pappas PJ, Cerveira JJ, Hobson II RW , Durán WN (2003). VEGF increases endothelial permeability by separate signaling pathways involving ERK-1/2 and nitric oxide. Am J Physiol:Heart & Circ Physiol. 284: H92-H100.
  • Figueroa XF, González DR, Martínez AD, Durán WN and Boric MP. (2002). ACh-induced endothelial NO synthase translocation, NO release and vasodilatation in the hamster microcirculation in vivo . J Physiol ( London ), 544.3: 883-896.