Visiting Students

Visiting Student Enrollment Information for Academic Year 2024-2025

Visiting students enrolled in LCME accredited medical schools & VSLO Participating COCA Accredited AACOM Member Colleges:

Students from institutions accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) interested in applying for elective rotations at New Jersey Medical School or an affiliate hospital must supply their visiting student application materials through VSLO, the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities website. Students from Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School are not required to submit an application fee after their elective is approved.

Please see our institution page on VSLO for detailed application information.

For more information on our visiting student electives, please contact Ms. Gina Ardito at

Visiting students enrolled in Saint George's University School of Medicine and Ross University (students from other non-LCME accredited international medical schools are not accepted):

Students from Saint George's University School of Medicine and Ross University, must submit their applications in paper copy and email a pdf of the application materials to Gina Ardito at

Please submit:

  • Visiting Student Elective Application, located below
  • Essential Functions for Admission, Matriculation and Program Completion and HIPAA Training forms, located below
  • Copy of your driver's license or U.S. passport *(must be US citizen, no exceptions)
  • Copy of your BLS card (ACLS card is not acceptable)
  • Copy of your USMLE Step 1 score report
  • Letter of intent – please include a brief statement of why you would like to rotate in the NJMS elective.
  • Official copy of your current medical school academic transcript
  • Proof of personal health insurance (a copy of current insurance card)
  • Proof of malpractice liability coverage (coverage must be at least $1 mil/$3 mil)
  • $100 processing fee. This payment can be made by either check or money order made payable to NJMS. The fee will only be processed if placement in an elective can be made. Please add $30 for each additional elective.  Application fees are nonrefundable once processed.
  • AAMC Standard Immunization Form, located below. Please include all required lab reports. There are no exceptions to this requirement.
    • If you are not immune to Hepatitis B (i.e. your Hep B Surface Antibody result is non-immune), you must include a Hep B Surface Antigen.

Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Requirements:

  • 2-step PPD at home school matriculation or 2 PPD tests within 12 months of NJMS rotation (A TB blood test may be submitted instead of a 2-step PPD)
  • History of positive PPD: chest x-ray or TB blood test within 6 months of home school matriculation or within 12 months of NJMS rotation
  • History of positive IGRA: A chest x-ray within 6 months of home school matriculation or within 12 months of NJMS rotation

All visiting students must adhere to the NJMS rotation dates, which can be found on page 4 of the visiting student elective brochure posted below. Alternate date requests will not be accepted. 

All application information must be received at least eight weeks prior to the start of the elective rotation. NJMS reserves the right to deny an application(s) for an elective rotation if application materials are received within eight weeks of the elective(s) start date(s). To apply to our institution, please complete the paperwork noted above. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

We will be unable to respond to inquiries regarding availability of electives or the status of your application; we will notify you as soon as your application is processed.

Visiting students may complete up to 4 weeks of electives at NJMS. Do not directly submit application materials to academic departments.

We will begin accepting applications for the fall term on March 13, 2024.  We begin processing applications in April.  Acceptance into an elective is based upon a complete application, including immunization compliance, and elective availability. If offered an elective, you will receive instructions on ordering a NJ state criminal background check. This is required of ALL Non-Rutgers STUDENTS, regardless of whether you have had a recent background check at another institution. The fee will be $106.90, payable to the agency that processes the background check. If you are accepted into the rotation you will be automatically registered. Should you wish to drop the course or change your elective dates, you must notify this office in writing no later than four weeks prior to the start date.

The electives offered by NJMS for the 2023-2024 academic year are printed in the NJMS Visiting Student Electives Brochure, found below.


Visiting Students Elective Application

Standard Immunization Record

Essential Functions


Visiting Student Electives Brochure