CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2020
CDC-ADDM 4-year-old estimates 2020
Prevalence and Disparities in the Detection of Autism Without Intellectual Disability
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2018
CDC-ADDM 4-year-old estimates 2018
Race Ethnicity Resolved Time Trend from IDEA and ADDM
CDC-ADDM 4-year-old estimates 2016
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2016
Increasing Autism Prevalence in Metropolitan New Jersey
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2006
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2008
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2010
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2012
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2000
CDC-ADDM 8-year-old estimates 2002
Advanced Parental Age and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder