RedCap Instructions

RedCap is the online data management system that will allow students to document their reflection essays, log their service activities, and complete their project reports. Each student receives an email with an individualized link for the RedCap system that should be bookmarked for future use. Upon logging out of the system students will see a verification code that will be required to access their profile in the future.

When first accessing RedCap, students should update their personal information and select their service project from the list of options.

Students will then be taken to the Pre-Reflection Essay section. This essay should be completed prior to the start of the first direct service activity. Students should carefully consider each of the prompts in this section and write a complete, thoughtful essay.

Once students have begun their service projects, they will be expected to keep a running Log of Service Activities. The log should include date, time devoted, and description of the activity. Students are encouraged to update their log of service activities on the RedCap system at least once per semester.

Throughout the course of their involvement with their service projects, students will complete a Project Report. This report will require students to collaborate directly with community partners in identifying needs of the population served as well as assets available. Students will also critically review the objectives of the service project, evaluate the effectiveness of the activities, and offer recommendations for improvement and sustainability of the project in future years. The project report may be completed individually or with a group of peers (maximum of 6 students).

Once students have completed their involvement with the service project, they will complete a Post-Reflection Essay about their experiences. Students should carefully consider each of the prompts in this section and write a complete, thoughtful essay.