Laura Baldají-García, Class of 2016
Co-Chair and Students Learning about Medicine (SLAM) Club Liaison
Chair Duties:
- Liaison between all members of the New Jersey Medical School and the National Latino Medical Student Association organizations.
- Oversee all activities and events
- General supervision over board member duties
SLAM Club Liaison Duties:
- Keep LMSA up-to-date about the status of SLAM.
- Report back to LMSA about the club's needs.
- Make LMSA aware of any potential events that the club would like to sponsor.
Denisse Reyes, Class of 2016
Chair Duties:
- Liaison between all members of the New Jersey Medical School and the National Latino Medical Student Association organizations.
- Oversee all activities and events
- General supervision over board member duties
Romy Fontoura, Class of 2016
Vice Chair
Vice Chair Duties:
- Set the agenda for executive board and general body meetings.
- Communicate the agenda of each meeting to NJMS-LMSA members in advance of each meeting.
- Take on the co-chair’s responsibilities if one of the co-chairs is unavailable or absent for any reason
Alisha Valdez, Class of 2016
Treasurer and Spanish in Medicine Elective Liaison
Treasurer Duties:
- Collect membership dues.
- Keep track of the LMSA budget and communicate it to NJMS Student Government
- Maintain reimbursement paperwork as it relates to the LMSA index account.
- Ensure that all deposits are made in a timely manner and are in agreement with the amounts that should have been deposited.
Spanish in Medicine Elective Liaison Duties:
- Keep LMSA updated on the status of the elective.
- Report back to LMSA about the elective’s needs.
Krizia Malave, Class of 2016
Secretary and Medical Interpreting Elective Liaison
Secretary Duties:
- Taking the minutes of the Executive Board and General Body meetings.
- Take meeting attendance
- E-Mail the notes of each meeting to club members.
- Record and file all essential documents
Medical Interpreting Elective Liaison Duties:
- Keep LMSA updated on the status of the elective.
- Report back to LMSA about the elective’s needs.
Din Garcia, Class of 2016
Community Outreach Liaison and Webmaster
Community Outreach Liaison Duties:
- Initiates and coordinates clinical outreach development activities.
- Establishes relationships with the local and New Jersey Medical School communities.
- Coordinates and performs duties of marketing LMSA to the community.
Webmaster Duties:
- Work with IT@NJMS to make sure the LMSA website is operational.
- Generate and revise the LMSA website as needed.
- Deal with and respond to heavy volumes of email.
- Test websites to see if there are any parts that are difficult to use.
- Fix links that don't work and pictures that aren't appearing properly.
- Decide how site's content will be delivered to the Internet.
Public Relations: Vacant
Public Relations Duties:
- Maintain LMSA's presence on all forms of social media.
- Help in the advertising about LMSA events. Publicity - Facebook, flyer (for certain events)
- Liaison between the NJMS-LMSA chapter and other local LMSA chapters.
- Contact Latino physicians about being mentors to LMSA members.
1st Year Representative: Vacant
First Year Representative's Duties:
- Serve as liaison between first year medical students and the LMSA executive board.
- Keep record of first year classes and schedules and providing input of when to schedule LMSA events to avoid conflicts.