Group News:
2/18/25 – Joel is appreciative to have been added as a member of the Rutgers Cancer Institute and specifically with affiliate membership in the Cancer Pharmacology program ( Stay tuned for news as to how the Freundlich lab is extending its technology platforms into the cancer space.
1/30/25 – Congratulations to former group member Jahnavi Shah on her new position as Modelling/Forecasting Senior Analyst for TD Bank. We wish her the best of luck.
1/6/25 – Congratulations to the group on its publication with the Chavez group: “A multiplex method for rapidly identifying viral protease inhibitors.” Please check it out at:
11/20/24 – Congratulations to Amir on the publication from our collaboration with the Bruning and Boyd groups: “Identification of Cysteine Metabolism Regulator (CymR)-Derived Pentapeptides as Nanomolar Inhibitors of Staphylococcus aureus O-Acetyl-l-serine Sulfhydrylase (CysK).” Please check it out at:
11/8 – Congratulations to Amir on giving a short talk and a poster at the Theobald Smith Society's Fall 2024 Symposium!
11/8 – Congratulations to Shivangi on presenting a poster at the Theobald Smith Society's Fall 2024 Symposium!
10/17 – Congratulations to Pankaj and Amir on presenting posters at the Princeton ACS Fall Organic Symposium
8/19/24 – Congratulations to our former post-doc Melanie as she begins an assistant professor position in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Northern Arizona University. We are very proud of her!
8/16/24 – Congratulations to Kishor on his paper with the Jain laboratory entitled “Dynamic PET reveals compartmentalized brain and lung tissue antibiotic exposures of tuberculosis drugs” that was just published in Nature Communications. Please check it out:
6/7/24 – Congratulations to Shivangi and Amir on their poster presentations at the Boston Bacterial Meeting!
4/12/24 – Congratulations to Aneesh as his P. aeruginosa drug accumulation studies were published in this collaborative work with the Gitai and Rabinowitz labs! Please check it out at Nature Microbiology:
3/27/24 – It is very nice to see two of our laboratory’s compounds commercially available for others to explore their utility as chemical tools and drug discovery entities. They are the subject of our 2022 AAC paper ( Please check out the website: and
1/23/24 – We bid farewell to Faheem who is starting a position as Data Analyst at Munich RE!
1/19 – Congratulations to Ricardo, Matt, Mark, Sam, Pankaj, Jimmy, and Amir on the publication of their E. faecium paper in J. Med. Chem. Please check it out at:
1/17 – We welcome Rutgers undergraduate Bruck Gebre to the group. He will work on machine learning models for chemical tool and drug discovery.
12/21 - Congratulations to Cristopher Lozada on being accepted into the Rutgers Pathway for Junior Scientist Program for the Spring 2024 semester.
12/7 - Congratulations to Ravi on his paper entitled “Linezolid does not improve bactericidal activity of rifampin-containing first-line regimens in animal models of TB”. This is part of a collaboration with Sanjay Jain’s lab at Hopkins. Please check it out here.
8/8/23 – The lab enjoys an outing at Cheesequake State Park. Is it odd that no one brought a cheesecake??