Summarized by: Sandra Hong and Michael Poynton, Fall
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have been proposed for the
treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) as well as experimental models. Despite
their potential, there are scientific problems with ESCs. They are difficult to
control mainly to their ease to commit to cells of three germ layers. This
uncontrolled growth often leads to unwanted tumor or teratoma formation. The
researchers of this article reasoned that using a mixed population of ESCs would
more likely result in teratoma formation than a purified population. Although
fewer dopamine neurons are acquired from a purified population, the researchers
argued that teratomas overshadow any behavioral improvement in the PD model.
For this reason, they attempted to eradicate the possibility of teratoma
formation by removing the undesired proliferating cells and select for an ideal
cell population to derive dopamine neurons. The selected neurons are intended
for transplantation into animal model of PD.
The selection was done with rat tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)
promoter, which drives the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene. The
objective is to select the cells forming dopamine, which would be identified by
green fluorescence. Two different TH promoters were tested based on size. The
goal was to determine which promoter would be more efficient in the
identification of TH positive cells. It was found that the 9 kilobase (kb)
promoter produced more eGFP+/TH+ neurons than the 2-kb promoter. Hence, the 9-kb
clone was chosen for subsequent experiments.
Transplantations of promoter-expressing mES cells were performed on 15
C57/Bl6 mice and 18 Sprague-Dawley rats. While the mice were naïve or
untouched, the rats were administered 6-hydroxydopamine, a neurotoxin that
induces the symptoms of PD. Another group of rats were given 6-hydroxydopamine
lesions and medium (vehicle) alone as opposed to a graft of 9 kb TH-eGFP mES
cells. To measure restoration of function in the PD model, the researchers used
amphetamine to observe rotational behavior.
Although the intentions of the researchers were good and promising, the
outcome of their experiments was ambiguous. In all grafts, eGFP+ cells and TH
neurons were present. Furthermore, most TH neurons also expressed eGFP.
Unfortunately, the positive result was dampened by the presence of a mixed
population of cells. The effort made to achieve a purified population still
resulted in unwanted phenotypes. The cells were composed of those that
expressed only TH or only eGFP. Some of the cells in the resulting population
lacked neuronal morphology. This negated thee expectation to select only germ
layer cells consistent with dopamine positivity. However, the authors found
cells of all three germ layers, indicating that the GFP showed non-dopaminergic
cells. Teratomas were disappointingly not avoided. Several rats exhibited
behavioral problems that indicated teratoma formation. From the remaining rats
that did not form tumors, it was found that there was a minor improvement in
rotational behavior (less rotating), but it was not significant enough of an
improvement to associate it with the number of TH+ neurons. To address the
perplexing cell population, the researchers offered a possible explanation by
stating that TH gene activation may be transient. TH expression may be turned
on during certain time points of development and turned off in other stages.
This explanation illustrates how difficult and almost impossible it is to use a
single marker to select for a population of embryonic stem cells. The article
proves that stem cell biology is very dynamic, and the selection process to
avoid teratoma formation with ESCs needs further improvments.
The researchers involved in this article were seeking ways to purify dopamine
neurons from embryonic stem cells for purposes of transplantation into naïve
murine and Sprague-Dawley 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rat Parkinson’s disease
models. It is already widely known and accepted that during embryonic stem cell
manipulation and transplantation, they have the potential to proliferate
uncontrollably and subsequently produce cells and tissues from all three germ
layers in a disorganized manner. This often results in the development of a
teratoma in animal models, and there is subsequently no therapeutic benefit
achieved. With this caveat of embryonic stem cell transplantation in mind, the
researchers hypothesized that “purification of dopamine neurons derived from
embryonic stem cells by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) could provide
a functional cell population for transplantation while eliminating the risk of
teratoma formation.1” In this experiment, mouse embryonic stem (mES)
cell-derived dopamine neurons were used and they essentially tried to
pre-determine which mES cells would have the greatest potential of success prior
to transplantation, and then monitor their engraftment and integration into the
striatum of the brain.
Among the different methodologies and techniques that could have been
implemented, the researchers decided to use a tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) promoter
in order to drive enhanced green fluorescent protein expression (eGFP) in the
mouse embryonic stem cells.1 The researchers were aware that transgenic
expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein from the TH promoter could be
used to purify primary dopamine neurons from embryos after sorting by FACS for
transplantation.1 Thus, continuing with an already proven method, the authors
applied the technique in the current studies.
The authors tested various size TH promoters to determine which one would
produce the greatest number of eGFP positive and TH positive neurons. In
layman’s terms, you need a promoter fragment before gene expression can occur
and produce gene products such as dopamine. After extensive generation of
clones and observing their in vitro differentiation prior to any transplantation
experiments, it was found that a 2.5 kb promoter fragment only generated 10 out
of 108 clones that were eGFP positive neurons, and only 2 of these 10 clones
exhibited TH positive neurons.1 On the other hand, a 9 kb promoter fragment
generated 85 out of 108 clones that were eGFP positive neurons and greater than
10 of these 85 also had TH positive neurons.1 In summary, the 9-kb eGFP/TH
clone which showed higher co-expression of TH and eGFP was selected and used
for the remainder of the experiments including the transplantation studies. In
addition to the promoter size fragment, the researchers were required to
identify the most efficient in vitro-based protocol. Between the MS5 and PA6
protocols, they quickly determined the MS5 protocol generated the greatest
percentage of eGFP-positive cells and eGFP+/TH+ cells, which was critical to the
In order to get these pre-purified or pre-selected embryonic stem
cell-derived enhanced green fluorescent protein-positive dopamine neurons into
the mice and rats, the authors applied a previously reported transplantation
procedures (2). The animals were injected with 1.0 µl of ES cell suspension
(1,000-2,000 ES cells per µl) or vehicle into two sites of the right straitum.
The injection used 22-gauge needles attached to 10-µl Hamilton syringes. A 2-min
waiting period allowed the ES cells to settle before the needle was removed.
Overall, after short-term transplantation, eGFP positive cells with large
numbers of TH neurons were observed in all grafts. Most of the TH positive cells
also co-expressed eGFP, although some cells were found to be either TH positive
or eGFP positive (1). Many of the eGFP positive neurons displayed
characteristics of midbrain dopamine neurons, based on co-expression of AADC or
aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase. The studies attempted to provide an
environment that would enrich for midbrain dopamine neurons while minimizing the
generation of norepinephric neurons or non-neuronal TH cells.
The researchers were not 100% conclusive that they obtained dopaminergic
neurons. However, the authors observed some improvements with respect to
Parkinson’s symptoms, although their results were somewhat contradictory. The
6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats would rotate around in their cages in a
direction that is towards the side of their body in which the lesion exists.
Observing their rotational behavior before and after transplantation, they
thought they would be able to gain insight into their biological improvements.
They noted that amphetamines administered to the rats, could induce improvements
in rotational behavior without there being any morphological integration of
transplanted cells. This lack of correlation between what the researchers’
observation and the actual number of TH+ cells in the brain bring to question
the visual data.
A significant observation was the presence of higher numbers of stage
specific embryonic antigen positive (SSEA-1+) cells in the genetically
engineered and expanded clones versus in the original mouse embryonic stem cell
(mES) cell line after differentiation, indicating malignant transformation (1).
The authors could not determine the exact conditions that led to SSEA+ cells.
There were less of these cells present in the original mES cell line before any
manipulation ever took place than there were in the in vitro differentiated
cells. They checked for chromosome abnormalities, trying to gain evidence as to
why these cell events were occurring but could not provide anything other than
mere speculation.
The authors stated that some of the integrated clones were dopaminergic in
nature because these clones responded to dopamine differentiating signals, while
others were unresponsive. One of the original goals of preventing teratoma
formation, was not completely achieved as some of the animals had to be
sacrificed early. The door has been left open to continue research, and the
researchers admitted that a single marker for selection of a specific cell
population in embryonic stem cell cultures might not be efficient. To somehow
eliminate some of the variables that came into focus during the discussion of
the article and to be able to reduce the experimental parameters so that a
correlation could be possibly made, might provide a more stepwise but thorough
- Hedlund E, Pruszak J, Ferree A et al. Selection of Embryonic Stem
Cell-Derived Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein-Positive Dopamine Neurons Using
the Tyrosine Hydroxylase Promoter Is Confounded by Reporter Gene Expression in
Immature Cell Populations. Stem Cells 2007;25;1126-1135.
- Bjorklund LM, Sanchez-Pernaute R, Chung S et al. Embryonic stem cells
develop into functional dopaminergic neurons after transplantation in a
Parkinson rat model. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002;99:2344-2349.