A monthly one-hour session for the Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion to meet with underrepresented racial and ethnic minority (URM) medical students and discuss current social, political, and health-related “Hot Topics”. 

URM medical students are asked to suggest “Hot Topics” for the rap sessions.  Frequently the sessions are co-facilitated by the Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion and medical students in their final year.    

Snacks are served!

Prior “Hot Topics” have included:

Flint, Michigan Water Crisis

Preparing for Step 1

Altering the Course: Black Males in Medicine Beyonce’s Formation Performance at Super Bowl 50 Preparing for the 3rd Year Clerkships

For further information, please contact Edmer Martinez (Office for Diversity and Community Engagement)

at 973-972-3762 or email eam277@njms.rutgers.edu .