
Library Resources Links

Health Related Databases

MEDLINE Database on PubMed and Internet Grateful med:

PubMed is a database developed by the National Library of Medicine in conjunction with publishers of biomedical literature as a search tool for accessing literature citations and linking to full-text journals at Web sites of participating publishers. The PubMed search system provides FREE access to the PubMed database of bibliographic information, which is drawn primarily from MEDLINE and PREMEDLINE.

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New PubMed

Internet Grateful med:

NLM's Internet Grateful Med (IGM) also provides FREE access to MEDLINE and fourteen other databases: AIDSLINE, AIDSDRUGS, AIDSTRIALS, BIOETHICSLINE, ChemID, DIRLINE, HealthSTAR, HISTLINE, HSRPROJ, OLDMEDLINE, POPLINE, SDILINE, SPACELINE and TOXLINE. IGM searches MEDLINE using the retrieval engine of NLM's PubMed system. The new version of IGM (V2.6.1) takes advantage of PubMed's ability to display Related Articles and link to the full text of participating online journals.

*Please note that these links will take you outside of the minimed site by opening up a second web window. To return to minimed simply close the new window.

Internet Grateful Med

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Staff Directory:

George F. Smith library has a staff of 40, 15 professional librarians and 25 paraprofessional support staff. All staff members are eager to help whenever and wherever they can.

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