Executive Director
Dr. Alland is a Professor of Medicine, the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, and the Director of the Public Health Research Institute, Center for Emerging and Re-emerging Pathogens, and the Regional Biocontainment Laboratory at Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School. He currently leads a group of 41 faculty and 145 research and support staff who perform clinical care and research predominantly focused on tuberculosis and HIV. He is internationally recognized for his pioneering work on the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and molecular evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and for his work on rapid detection of select agents. He is currently the Principal Investigator or Project Leader of 10 active NIH grants and has been continuously supported by multiple simultaneous NIH, DOD and Gates Foundation grants for the past two decades. Dr. Alland has authored 123 peer reviewed scientific papers and has lectured at numerous academic settings around the world. He is the recipient of a New Jersey State Senate Resolution Honoring the Remarkable Commitment in Benefit of the Global Community, a World Health Organization - Stop TB Partnership Tribute to Ground Breaking Research Against Tuberculosis, the Gardner Middlebrook lifetime achievement award, the Thomas Edison Patent award, and the Charles C Shepard Science Award, and was elected to the American Association of Physicians.