Ping-Hsin Chen, PhD, Director
Associate Professor



The Department has identified the following principal research areas:

Breast, cervical, colorectal, tar wars, cancer prevention

Intrauterine devices, contraceptive side effects

Family Violence
Intimate partner violence/risk factors, child-adult abuse and neglect, domestic violence in primary care settings, crime prevention, use of diagnostic codes, legal impact issues, sexual harassment

Infectious disease
Tuberculosis surveillance

Medical Education
Empathy(medical students), EBM, human sexuality curriculum, breast cancer training for FP residents and attendings, stress(medical students), quality improvement in ambulatory teaching, predoctoral and residency training, test reliability and validity, cultural competency, "perceived" benefits of community services, lifestyle behaviors of medical students, evaluating students' attitudes towards patient's use of complementary and alternative therapies, correlating students' attitudes, their own personal use of CAM therapies to their approach to patients who seek their advice

Social Determinants of Health
Social determinants of health include factors like socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood and physicial environment, employment, and social support networks, as well as access to health care