Fellow Publications, Abstracts and Presentations
Fellowship Publications, Abstracts, and Presentations
Arman Sawhney, Nishan Rajaratnam MD, Diana Finkel DO, Progression of Chronic Rhinosinusitis to Invasive Cerebro-Orbital Aspergillosis Following Steroid Treatment: A Case of Induced Immunosuppression, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
Sahiba Khurana MD, Steven Keller PhD, Diana Finkel DO, Are We Following Best Evidence-Based Guidelines For Osteoporosis Screening In Persons Living With HIV?, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
Kristin Riddle MD, Catherine Ye MD, Brian Schott MD, Hernando Salazar MD, Diana Finkel DO, A Review of Gram Negative Endogenous Endophthalmitis at University Hospital in Newark, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
Zachary Lodato DO, Radhika Malhotra MD, Patrick Brunk MD, Anjella Manoharan MD, Kaveh Hajifathalian MD, Smita Mahendrakar MD, Case of Cryptococcoma in an Immunocompetent Man with Polysubstance Use, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
Jorge Alonso Caceda BA, Afshan Iqbal MD, Eli Goshorn MD, Babesiosis In City-Dwellers, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
Nicole Reynoso-Vasquez MD, Lisa Pinero BS, Pooja Patel DO, Patrick Brunk DO, Jonathan Mamber Czeresnia MD, Occult Haemophilus aprophilus Bacteremia Causing Embolic Strokes, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
Michael Bagnell, Catherine Ye, Isaac Daudelin, Neel Gadhoke, Sehrish Shahid, Matthew Fanous, Alfonso Waller, Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement In Setting of Hemodialysis Via Indwelling Catheter, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
Afshan Iqbal MD, Jorge Alonso Caceda BA, Tanzila Salim MD, Case Report of A Brain Abscess Caused by Nocardia farcinica/kropenstedtii, NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2023
De Jesus F, Kuper K, Hader A, Sackey, J, Finkel, D. The relationship between rifaxamin use and the prevalence of Clostridioides difficile and vancomycin-resistant enterococcus in patients with advanced liver disease. IDWeek 2019
Ahmed A, Homsi N, Kapila, R. Crohn’s Disease or Histoplasmosis? A Case of Severe Disseminated Histoplasmosis Mimicking Crohn’s Disease. ACP 2020
Taha, B, Rybak D, Nunez C, Mattappallil A, Chew D. Appropriate Fluoroquinolone Use at University Hospital. NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2020
O’Shaughnessy M, Irizarry D, Finkel D. An Unusual Case of Lemierre Syndrome – One Pathogen or Two? NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2021
Ragaratnam, N., Dever, L. Pott’s Puffy Tumor in a 48-Year-Old Man: An Uncommon Presentation. NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2022
Wei, A., DallaPiazza, M. Microbial Perls of the Jungle: A Case of Leishmanaiasis in an Immigrant from South America. NJMS Department of Medicine Research Day 2022.
Nunez C, Mattappallil A, McCrink K, Rybak D, Taha B, Chew D. Impact of Infectious Disease Fellow-Driven Antimicrobial Stewardship Interventions on Inpatient Fluoroquinolone Use IDWeek 2021
Salazar H, Ye C, Schott B, Riddle K, Finkel D. A Review of Gram Negative Endogenous Endophthalmitis at University Hospital in Newark. IDWeek 2021
Baalbaki, N., Mohsen, M., Al Hadidi, M., Boyle, L., Sackey, J., Salim, T. Risk factors associated with community-onset infections due to clinically moderate to high-risk AmpC producing organisms. IDWeek 2024
Segovia, F., Bhamray-Sanchez, D., Grigoriu, A., Finkel, D. A 30-Year-Old Pregnant Woman in Labor with an Unexpected Left Ovarian Finding. IDWeek 2024.
Pickard. M., Baez-Mendez, C., Rosemarin-Destefano, C., Finkel, D. Community Food Pantries Provide Unique Opportunities for Linkage to HIV Care in Newly Diagnosed Individuals. IDWeek 2024.
FELLOW Publications
Ahmed A, Homsi N, Kapila R. Crohn's disease or histoplasmosis? A case of severe disseminated histoplasmosis mimicking Crohn's disease and literature review. Med Mycol Case Rep. 2020 Aug 28;30:8-11.
Homsi N, Kapila R. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Causing Empyema Necessitans and Pyomyositis in an Immunocompetent Patient. Cureus. 2020 Jul 29;12(7):e9454.
Bhatt P, Shiau S, Brunetti L, Xie Y, Solanki K, Khalid S, Mohayya S, Au K, Pham C, Uprety P, Nahass R, Narayanan N. Risk Factors and Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients with Severe COVID-19 and Secondary Bloodstream Infections: A Multicenter, Case-Control Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Nov 20;ciaa1748
Song M, Montovano M, Kubiak A, Khalid S, Ellner J. Pott's Puffy Tumor: Intracranial Extension Not Requiring Neurosurgical Intervention. Cureus. 2020 Aug 29;12(8):e10106.
Gubitosa JC, Kakar P, Gerula C, Nossa H, Finkel D, Wong K, Khatri M, Ali H. Marked Sinus Bradycardia Associated With Remdesivir in COVID-19: A Case and Literature Review. JACC Case Rep. 2020 Nov 18;2(14):2260-2264.
Eidensohn Y, Wei A, Sirkin M, Dever L. Brevibacteria tibial osteomyelitis. IDCases. 2021 Jan 12;23:e01046.
Rao SJ, Khurana S, Murthy G, Dawson ET, Jazebi N, Haas CJ. A case of Guillain-Barre syndrome following Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2021 Sep 20;11(5):597-600.
Wei AE, Markert RJ, Connelly C, Polenakovik H. Reduction of central line-associated bloodstream infections in a large acute care hospital in Midwest United States following implementation of a comprehensive central line insertion and maintenance bundle. J Infect Prev. 2021 Sep;22(5):186-193.
Wei A, Dhaduk N, Taha B. Wrist abscess due to drug-resistant Pasteurella multocida. IDCases. 2021 Sep 2;26:e01277.
Hogge C, Holzman M, Khurana S, Brankovic M, Chang C, Fernandez G, Finkel D. Capnocytophaga sepsis causing purpura fulminans in a 50-year-old man with chronic opioid use. IDCases. 2022 May 27;29:e01505.
Caceda JA, Iqbal A, Bono K, Finkel D, Goshorn E. Tick Tock-A Matter of Time: Two Cases of Babesia Acquired in Urban Newark, NJ. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2024 Nov 29;2024:3912571. doi: 10.1155/2024/3912571. PMID: 39649999; PMCID: PMC11623983.
Bhamray-Sanchez D, Subramanian S, Dever LL, Chew D. Ocular MPox: A report of two cases. IDCases. 2023;31:e01706. doi: 10.1016/j.idcr.2023.e01706. Epub 2023 Feb 1. PMID: 36742285; PMCID: PMC9889298.
Murguia AR, Segovia F, Ayvali F, Brockman M, Prakash S, Singh V, Dwivedi AK, Rajachandran M, Mukherjee D, Nickel NP. Evaluation of Four Validated Risk Scores to Predict Outcomes in Hispanic Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Angiology. 2024 Jan 30:33197241230716. doi: 10.1177/00033197241230716. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38290712.