The NJMS Bylaws defines the Faculty Organization (FO) as the “aggregate body that represents the faculty as a whole.”  The FO meets at least four times annually and is dedicated to improving the communal academic life while promoting excellence in education, research and patient care at New Jersey Medical School.  It serves as the voice of faculty concerns and hopes for the Medical School.

The Faculty Organization works to fulfill this mission and to represent the faculty's opinions and positions through the school's Standing Committees and the Faculty Council. The FO officers also meet periodically with the administration. Finally, the FO creates taskforces to work on issues identified by the faculty as important for faculty morale and the academic mission of the school.

The FO makes several awards annually to promote and celebrate academic excellence. Outstanding students and faculty awards are presented each year and are chosen by the Awards Taskforce.

The FO maintains the faculty lounge in MSB C-601, which has coffee/tea, a flat screen with Solstice and internet capabilities and a faculty desktop computer and telephone. The FO clerk, Ms. Debbie Jacoby is there most days from 9AM until 2PM.

The efforts of the FO are supported by annual dues, which are collected at the beginning of the academic year.

We are here to serve the faculty. Your input is valued. nounents:      

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Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024