News & Lumos MS
We are pleased to announce the arrival of a Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid mass spectrometer (Lumos MS), funded via a 2018 NIH High-End Shared Instrumentation Grant.
This high-end mass spectrometer adds the latest protein analysis capabilities at the CAPR to support the investigators at Rutgers University and the neighboring institutions, for accomplishing their research goals. With the improved sensitivity of the new Lumos MS over older instruments, researchers can now obtain in-depth data on expression profiles and post-translational modifications from proteins isolated from cells, tissues, or organisms. More importantly, we can take advantages of the new features in the Lumos MS for more comprehensive proteomic services:
- Handle sensitive identification and quantification of proteins complexes isolated from low-throughput biochemical and affinity or antibody-based enrichments; see examples.
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- Conduct both accurate and sensitive quantification of proteins and their post-translational modifications (PTMs) via the Synchronous Precursor Section module in iTRAQ and TMT high-throughput protein expression profiling; see examples.
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- Perform top-down proteomics analysis via novel fragmentation modes, including ETD, HCD, EThcD and UVPD. Top-down proteomics on the Lumos MS is a revolutionary technology for the analysis of intact proteins and the identification of proteoforms, including proteolytic products, sequence variants,and coregulations of PTMs; see examples.
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- Quantify select peptides or PTM-containing peptides in complex biological matrices, via PRM and DIA analysis modes; see examples.
Example 1 Example 2
- Identify new PTMs and identify challenging peptides, via novel fragmentation modes, including CID, HCD, ETD and UVPD; see example.
- Identify protein complexes via chemical cross-linked peptides; see examples.
Example 1 Example 2
- High throughput label-free quantification; see example.
The addition of the Lumos MS at the Rutgers University will be critical for improving the productivities among our researchers and the irabilities to understand and treat human diseases. Please contact Dr. Hong Li to discuss how to benefit from the Lumos MS for your proteomics research needs.

July 2015
We are pleased to announce the renewal submission of NINDS P30 grant for Rutgers Mass Spectrometry Center for Integrative Neuroscience Research has been funded through June 2019. We are accepting samples from NINDS-funded investigators for proteomics analysis at reduced costs. Please contact Dr. Hong Li to discuss your proteomics projects.