Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) is part of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS). Our postdoctoral researchers have access to many resources offered through NJMS, RBHS, and the Office of Postdoctoral Advancement.
News and announcements:
The Giuseppina Raviola, MD., Ph.D. Endowment Fund
Dr. Janet Alder announced as the inaugural Assistant Vice Chancellor of Postdoctoral Affairs
Housing information
New Mother’s Room
New series: Biomedical PostDoc Professional Development and Presentation Days (PD3)
Mental health and wellness
Career development opportunities through the Office of Postdoctoral Advancement
Mentoring Resources & Career Management Tools through the Office of Postdoctoral Advancement
Proactive, Reflexion, Empowered, Planning (PREP) Career Program through the Office of Postdoctoral Advancement
Career development opportunities through Rutgers iJOBS
Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows Program
LinkedIn learning
LinkedIn learning is a free resource available to all Rutgers students, staff, and faculty. If this is your first time using LinkedIn Learning through Rutgers, here are helpful resources to connect your Rutgers account with LinkedIn Learning: (1) First time users (2) Connecting Your LinkedIn Profile (3) Home page with Login link. Additionally, here are a few LinkedIn learning tutorials to kick start your career development: (1) Rock your LinkedIn profile (2) Optimize Your Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (3) Cover letter (4) Informational interviewing (5) Hacks to Land a Job Using LinkedIn