Patient Appointments


Since its inception, the Division of Liver Disease & Transplant Hepatology has continually maintained an excellence for the treatments of digestive tract and related disorders. Our physicians have expertise in hepatitis and other liver diseases, pancreatico-biliary disease, nutritional disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, therapeutic endoscopy and other disorders of the digestive tract. We have a strong commitment to our patients, their families, and the surrounding community.



For Patient Appointments,
Please call: 973-972-2343

Doctors Office Center (DOC)
90 Bergen St, Suite 2100
Newark, NJ 07103


Liver Transplant Service

For Patient Appointments,
Please call: 973-972-7218

Doctors Office Center (DOC)
140 Bergen Street, D Level
Newark, NJ 07101



To schedule an appointment:

Ph #:   (973) 972-2343 or 972-1517

Fx #:   (973) 972-0752