
Adolescent Youth Development

The Adolescent Youth Development Program (AYD) is an intervention that provides case-management, group support and advocacy services for young males who frequent our clinical and community service programs. These services are designed to provide access to health care of young males who are non-participant in their health status.

Services Offered:

For Youth

Individual and group counseling for at-risk males in Newark, NJ on the following topics:

  • Anger Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Sexual Health Training and STD/STI Prevention
  • Substance Abuse Support
  • College Preparation and Career Planning
  • Personal Finance
  • Math/Science Tutoring
  • Fitness Training

For Parents

Individual and group counseling for parents of at-risk male youth in Newark, NJ on the following topics:

  • Help Me Help My Son - A Single Parents' Guide to Rearing Young Men
  • Understanding Stages of Psychosocial Development
  • Financial Literacy
  • Home Buying Workshop
  • Health and Fitness

For a limited time take advantage of our unique "Parenting Development Workshop"* a 6 week research based program designed to improve outcomes for at-risk families.  The "Waiting Room Parents" program seeks to prove the assertion that increasing parental knowledge and skills will improve positive outcomes for at-risk youths.  This workshop works best for parents with the following concerns regarding their teenage sons:

Poor academic performance, lack of motivation, anger issues, lack of positive male influence, delinquent behavior, instilling discipline effectively and access to quality medical care (appointments for medical and mental health evaluations can be arranged).

*Workshops occur once a week for 6 weeks.  Course offered in 6 week blocks and registration is restricted after first 15 seats are filled.  If the course if filled you may sign up for the next available course by contacting the office.  Seats are limited and attendees must register at least 2 weeks prior to start of the event.

Don't miss your opportunity to be a part of this grounndbreaking initiative and help us improve the lives of vulnerable youth.

If you or someone you know could benefit from the services listed and would like more information contact Mr. Denard J. Coleman - Program Coordinator at

973-972-3152 or email at

Success Story
John has been attending weekly peer support groups with several of his cohorts to discuss better ways to deal with his anger, his relationships and his physical health. After leaving the group, John always expresses his enthusiasm for the next meeting. Several weeks after the sessions were completed, John enrolled in a GED/job-training program and has attended his first medical check-up in 6 years. John still attends his monthly appointments, which track the progress of the goals he has set for himself. Through The Adolescent Youth Development Program (AYD),  John has made an investment in his future instead of a down payment on his past.

Contact Us:

Denard Coleman

Program Coordinator


973-972-1372 (fax)