
The Department of Surgery is committed to education and considers its teaching program as its number one priority.  Since teaching and learning go together we ensure that our educational program includes clinical teaching at the bedside and operating room, as well as didactic programs. Our residents are actively involved with teaching third and fourth year medical students at all of our teaching hospitals.

Resident learning is facilitated through a variety of strategies to achieve the Goals and Objectives of the program:

  • Rotations through the different clinical services provide our residents an opportunity to work-up and treat the entire spectrum of surgical disease, both in and out of the operating room.
  • Twenty-four hour access is provided to a surgical library within the hospital that contains a broad range of reference materials. Additionally, unlimited access to Medline and other databases is available in the surgical library, as well as throughout the hospital.
  • A weekly Basic Science Lecture Series provides an organized approach to assist our residents with studying for the ABSITE and American Board of Surgery Examinations.
  • Additional study sessions are organized for residents who need assistance in improving their didactic knowledge.
  • A monthly Oral Board Review Workshop has been established to assist the PGY 3s, 4s, and 5s in preparing for the Oral Board Examination.
  • Morbidity and Mortality Conference is held weekly where each complication or death is discussed in detail, along with a review of current literature.
  • Faculty members sponsor a Journal Club where residents identify topics and select articles for in-depth discussions.
  • Special workshops focusing on topics such as Socio-economic Aspects of Medicine, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Medical-legal Issues and Ethics are presented throughout the summer.
  • Experts lecture on different aspects of surgery as part of our Grand Rounds presentations which are held weekly from September through May.
  • A Distinguished Lecturer, nationally recognized for his/her expertise, is invited once a month to make rounds with the residents and presents a formal Grand Rounds lecture.
  • The department sponsors ATLS, FLS, FES and FUSE certification for all residents.
  • The department maintains an Operative Skills Lab . This lab is available for all residents who want to practice surgical maneuvers in a controlled dry lab setting.