Students for Humanism in Medicine


Encouraging, Active, Reception and Self Reflection. Students interact with sick or dying patients and their family members at UH.


Hospiteering and PALM room volunteering

Collaborating with SIGN (Student Interest Group in Neurology), students visit with patients in the hospital and in the PALM room, practicing humanistic doctoring skills. In the PALM (Patient Activity, Less Medication) room, patients who have cognitive impairments are given opportunities to take part in activities at least 10 hours a day in groups, including art and music therapy, pet therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy.


Who's the Human in your Humanism?

Students get to know professors over pizza and soda using the interview modeled after the acclaimed PBS series “Inside the Actors Studio.”


Vocal Chords A Cappella Ensemble


Founded by a humanism scholar in the fall of 2007 to bring music to the school, community and hospital, the Vocal Chords ensemble is made up of students from all classes at New Jersey Medical School. The group performs regularly at University Hospital and at school events such as the White Coat Ceremony, Commencement, Follies, Humanism Day, Multicultural Shows and the annual December Sing-a-long Concert.


Memory Box Project

Blood Drives

Clothing Drives