Annual Calendar

NJMS Faculty Affairs



Faculty Effort Reporting begins


Faculty Effort Reporting Ends

Faculty Evaluations due in Faculty Affairs by September 15


Proposed promotions for all faculty due in Faculty Affairs by first Tuesday


Faculty Affairs facilitates formal promotion process


Faculty Affairs provides Departments with reappointment rosters of all faculty

Chairs notify of intention to reappoint/non-reappoint for TWO YEAR APPOINTMENT TERM faculty to Dean and Faculty Affairs by November 28th


Faculty on a TWO YEAR APPOINTMENT TERM must receive notice of NON- REAPPOINTMENT by December 30 (non-reappointment letters are issued by the Chairs, providing a copy to Faculty Affairs)

Alll promotion materials are due in Faculty Affairs by December 31

Chairs notify of intention to reappoint/non-reappoint for ONE YEAR APPOINTMENT TERM faculty to Dean and Faculty Affairs by December 30th


Promotion Proposals Review (by FCAP and/or Faculty Council) begins

Faculty Effort Reporting begins

Faculty Affairs sends reappointment roster reminder for 1 year appointment term


Faculty on a ONE YEAR APPOINTMENT TERM must receive notice of NON- REAPPOINTMENT by February 28 (non-reappointment letters are issued by the Chairs, providing a copy to Faculty Affairs

Faculty Effort Reporting ends

May Chairs notify of intention to reappoint/non-reappoint for THREE or More                YEAR APPOINTMENT TERM faculty to Dean and Faculty Affairs by

May 1


Faculty on a THREE or More YEAR APPOINTMENT TERM must receive notice of NON-REAPPOINTMENT by June 30 (non-reappointment letters are issued by the Chairs, providing a copy to Faculty Affairs)