The Faculty Committee on Appointments and Promotions (FCAP)
guidelines on Appointments and Promotions outline the requirements for faculty
appointments and promotions as well as the award of tenure for senior ranked/titled
faculty (Associate Professor and Professor.)
functions within the parameters promulgated in the NJMS Bylaws,
Article III Section
5.6.1 and is governed by its own guidelines as it executes the duties outlined
in NJMS Bylaws Article IV.
FCAP is composed of senior ranked/titled faculty from both basic science and
clinical medical faculty. It is a 16 member body, all of whom typically serve
2 year terms, half of which alternate onto the committee in every year. The
non-voting chair of the committee selected from either a clinical medical or
basic science department in alternating terms. The FCAP conducts confidential
meetings and votes by secret ballot.