Pathway Programs

We are proud to announce two new pathway program partnerships:

who have active well-funded laboratories are welcome to participate in these programs.


Students will be supported with a stipend and additional funds to pay for laboratory supplies in the participating laboratory. 

Rutgers-Newark and Rutgers Health New Jersey Medical School Pathway to Junior Scientist Program

College Undergraduate Students

The purpose of this program is to provide biomedical research opportunities to Rutgers-Newark undergraduates who are highly motivated to pursue a career in medicine or biomedical research (including data sciences).  This collaboration helps medical school faculties to identify and recruit promising students to work on their NIH-funded research.  The aim is to match students with a lab mentor who they can work with and get valuable experiences in research, while advancing the Newark research community.  The program commenced in early 2024.

For more information, please contact:

Director:  Dr. Nan Gao
Administrator:  Ms. Jennifer Yaney

Read more in Rutgers Today:  Rutgers Partnerships is Paving a Path for Tomorrow’s Biomedical Researchers

Program Reception - December 2024

Rutgers University Office of Community Engagement and Rutgers Health New Jersey Medical School Pathway to Scientist Program


High School Students and Teachers

The purpose of this program is to provide biomedical research opportunities to students and teachers of the Newark community, who are interested in a career in biomedical research, medicine, data science and related disciplines.  The aim is to match high school students or teachers with a lab mentor who they can work with and get valuable experiences in research.  We look forward to starting the program in early Summer 2024.

For more information, please contact:

Director:  Dr. Nan Gao
  Ms. Sayeeda Suber

Read more in Rutgers Today:  Rutgers Fashions a Biomedical Springboard for Newark-Area High School Students


Program Reception - August 2024