The Cytopathology section of the Rutgers
Laboratory provides testing for vaginal, cervical, and endocervical Pap smears,
fine needle aspirations (FNA) from all body sites, and non-Gyn body specimens
(urine, sputa, body fluids, thoracenteses, paracenteses, cerebrospinal fluids,
etc.). The Cytology Section participates in CAP Proficiency testing
programs and is accredited by CAP. The Cytopathology section utilizes the
Bethesda System for signing out Pap smears and is involved in an extensive
Quality Assurance program that meets and exceeds all CLIA '88 and CAP mandates.
Our Pathology residents and Cytotechnology
students from the School of Allied Health are trained in our Cytology Laboratory.
The Cytopathology Laboratory is geared
to the study of single cells, mainly in detecting malignant and pre-malignant
conditions, as well as identifying infectious agents.
Gynecological specimens are prepared
as liquid based smears using Thin Prep 3000 processor by Cytec Corp. When required, the high risk HPV typing is performed in-house (by molecular
dianostics laboratory) using a Hybrid Capture HPV DNA assay.
Non-Gyn and FNA specimens are routinely
processed and interpreted using direct smears, cytospin preparations and cell
blocks. Histochemical and immunohistochemical stains, flow cytometry,
in situ hybridization, cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies
are available in-house to assist in the interpretation of more challenging