Primary Faculty

Andrew P. Thomas Professor and Chair
Walter N. Durán Professor and Vice Chair
Tibor Rohacs Professor and Vice Chair of Research
Hyung Jin Ahn Assistant Professor
Paula Bartlett Assistant Professor
Kevin Beck Professor
Joshua R. Berlin Professor
Annie V. Beuve Professor
Miriam E. Bocarsly Assistant Professor
Ioana Carcea Assistant Professor
Bruce A. Citron Professor
Luciano D'Adamio Professor
Vedad Delic Assistant Professor
Henry M. Edinger Associate Professor
Michael Falvo Associate Professor
Ronaldo P. Ferraris Professor
Joel S. Freundlich Professor
Nan Gao Professor
Komi Gbedande Instructor
Andrew L. Harris Professor
Amjad IIyas Associate Professor
Robert Ledeen Professor
Steven Levison Professor
Mauricio A. Lillo Instructor
Michael Matott Assistant Professor

Patricio E. Mujica-Urzúa

Assistant Professor
Virgil Muresan Associate Professor
Catherine Myers Professor
Anthony Olarerin-George Assistant Professor
Debkumar Pain Professor
Christine Rohowsky-Kochan Professor
Vanessa H. Routh Professor
Pallabi Sarkar Instructor
Roman Shirokov Associate Professor
Robin Stephens Associate Professor
Lester G. Sultatos Professor
Marc D. Tambini Assistant Professor
Daniel Wilhite Assistant Professor
Teresa Wood Distinguished Professor

Joint Appointments

Abraham Aviv Professor
Alex Bekker Professor and Chair of Anesthesiology
Diane P. Calello Professor
Barbara Gladson Assistant Professor
James Guarrera Professor
Ozlem Gunal Assistant Professor
Sabine N. Hilfiker

Associate Professor

Roger W. Howell Distinguished Professor
Huijuan Hu Associate Professor
Iona Monteiro Professor
Lewis S. Nelson Professor and Chair of Emergency Medicine
Nikolaos Pyrsopoulos Professor
Jiang-Hong Ye Professor
Yuanxiang Tao Professor and Vice Chair of Anesthesiology

Adjunct Faculty

Mohamed S. Abdel-Rahman Emeritus Professor
Edouard Azzam Emeritus Professor
Krista N. Blackwell Adjunct Assistant Professor
Donatella Casirola Adjunct Assistant Professor
Jorge E. Contreras Adjunct Associate Professor
Andrew Dancis Adjunct Associate Professor
Veronique Douard Adjunct Instructor
Ambrose Dunn Maynell Adjunct Assistant Professor
Xavier Fioramonti Adjunct Instructor
Peter Frederikse Adjunct Associate Professor
Deborah Fruchtman Adjunct Instructor
Carmen C. Garcia Adjunct Assistant Professor
Celia Garcia Adjunct Professor
Lawrence D. Gaspers Adjunct Associate Professor
Barry E. Levin Emeritus Professor
Nicholas Illsley Emeritus Professor
Jane Johnston-Tezapsidis Adjunct Instructor
Samina Kanwar Adjunct Assistant Professor
David Kim Adjunct Associate Professor
Sathapana Kongsamut Adjunct Associate Professor
Eldo Kuzhikandathil Adjunct Associate Professor
Ramez Labib Adjunct Assistant Professor
Jose Luis Lavendera Adjunct Professor
Joseph J. McArdle Emeritus Professor
Peter N. Morcos Adjunct Assistant Professor
Patricio Mujica-Urzua Adjunct Assistant Professor
Zoia Muresan Adjunct Associate Professor
Martha C. Nowycky

Emerita Professor
Jayashree Pain Adjunct Assistant Professor
Peter J. Pappas Adjunct Professor
Ruben D. Peluffo Adjunct Associate Professor
Arthur Ritter Adjunct Associate Professor
Vijayalakshmi Santhakumar Adjunct Associate Professor
Janine H. Santos Adjunct Assistant Professor
Hreday N. Sapru Emeritus Professor
David Segarnick Adjunct Assistant Professor
Jorge Serrador Adjunct Associate Professor
Richard Servatius Adjunct Professor
Natalia Shirokova Emerita Professor
Marguerite A. Stout Emerita Professor
Ellen Townes-Anderson Emerita Professor
Thomas Visalli Adjunct Assistant Professor
Duncan Hamish Wright Adjunct Associate Professor
Gusheng Wu Emeritus Professor