Addicted to Gaming
ABC News - Gaming Disorder has been recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization, WHO. Dr. Petros Levounis, Rutgers NJMS, lends his expertise with Good Morning America on “gaming disorder” and how it affects mental health.
NJMS Performs First Phalloplasty in NJ - Dr. Jonathan Keith and experts with the Rutgers Center for Transgender Health performed the first phalloplasty in New Jersey on a transgender man.
Prescribing Opioids
New York Times - In an effort to curb the opioid crisis, experts have created new guidelines. The recommendations show the medication, including maximum numbers of opioid-containing medication, for the 20 most common medical practices.
Chlorine Gas
LiveScience - When it comes to swimming, chlorine is usually found in the forms of either powder or liquid. Most recently, however, a cloud of chlorine gas had affected over 30 people in a California neighborhood pool. Dr. Diane Calello from the New Jersey Poison Control Center at Rutgers NJMS shares her knowledge on the topic.

Star Ledger - Students from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School teamed up to pen an op-ed piece about gun violence.

Treatment for Alcoholic Liver Disease
Healio - Patients with alcoholic liver disease may now receive ‘optimal’ treatment through a plasma transfer system. Dr. Nikolaos T. Pyrsopoulos shares his expertise. (PC: CFCF)

Harm Reduction
Buzzfeed News - Teens are learning more about drug prevention, including practices that aim to reduce the negative effects of drug usage. In this interview, Dr. Lewis Nelson discusses drug use and harm reduction.

Legalized Recreational Marijuana
My Central Jersey - The legalization of marijuana for recreational use could cause potential health risks to NJ’s residents. Dr. Diane Calello, New Jersey Poison Control Center, discusses possible risks with other states that have already legalized recreational marijuana
‘Embalmed Alive’
Live Science - Patient dies after doctors use formaldehyde in IV drip. Dr. Lewis Nelson, chairman of Emergency Medicine, provides input in this article. (PC: Shutterstock)
E.coli Outbreak
CBS New York - Health officials are trying to determine where the E.coli outbreak had occurred in New Jersey after eight cases were reported. Dr. Rajendra Kapila, explains more about E.coli. (PC: NIAID)
Why People Should Carry Naloxone
Press of Atlantic City - The U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory recommending that more people carry naloxone, the opioid overdose antidote. Dr. Lewis Nelson and Dr. Erin Zerbo, discuss more on the drug and its use.
Virus Outbreak - Dr. David Cennimo discusses human adenovirus virus, a respiratory illness with symptoms strikingly similar to the flu.
Teen's First GYN Appointment
NJ Family - Preparing your daughter for her first appointment with a gynecologist. Dr. Lauren Barlog answers frequently asked questions.
TB Case Study
Contagion Live - Dr. Lee Reichman demystifying tuberculosis in recognition of World TB Day. The disease remains a significant public health issue worldwide.
Update on Prince’s Toxicology Report
TIME - Dr. Lewis Nelson, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, discusses the recent toxicology report of Prince and fentanyl levels in this Time Magazine article
Rutgers Grant Creates Affordable Class Material
Daily Targum - Dr. Petros Levounis, Open and Affordable Textbooks Program award recipient, said this process helped students save money and acquire new skills.
Bug-Spray-Laced Drugs
Live Science - Certain street drugs in Indianapolis may be laced with bug spray. Chair of Emergency Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, provides insight on the topic.
Alternative Treatments for Bacteria
Ravalli Republic - Researchers from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School work with Rocky Mountain Laboratory scientists in finding a variant immunotherapy that would strengthen a patient’s immune system.
Dangerous Fungus
Newsday - Dr. David S. Perlin, executive director and professor of the Public Health Research Institute at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, welcomes new approaches to potentially deadly fungal infections.
Ex-Russian Spy and Daughter Attacked With Nerve Agent
Live Science - It's still a mystery as to what sickened former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter at a shopping mall outside London on Sunday, March 4. Dr. Lewis Nelson, chairman of Emergency Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, says a fast-acting poison is likely the culprit.
Finding a Test for Marijuana
NJ Spotlight - Marijuana usage while driving has become an increasing concern for both doctors and police. Dr. Lewis Nelson from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School offers expertise on the issue.
Properly Diagnosing Personality Disorders
U.S. World & News Report - Did you know that an estimated 10 to 20 percent of the U.S. population has a personality disorder? Dr. Petros Levounis, professor and chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, discusses more about this topic.
WHO Updates Latent TB Guidelines
Healio - New WHO updates for latent TB aim to prioritize patient care. Dr. Lee Reichman discusses expanding testing and treatment options for TB.
International Women’s Day Highlights Science
Forbes - Dr. Nancy Chiaravalloti, professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, offers thoughts on mentorships and women pursuing advanced degrees.
Rutgers NJMS First in U.S. to Teach MATs
NJ Spotlight - Over 180 Rutgers NJMS students will be in the first class trained in MATs to address opioid epidemic.
How to Defeat Gaming Disorder
U.S. World News & Report - Dr. Petros Levounis discusses gaming disorder, a behavioral addiction to play video games, and how to identify and treat the addiction.
International Women’s Day Highlights Science
Forbes - Dr. Nancy Chiaravalloti, professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, offers thoughts on mentorships and women pursuing advanced degrees.
How to Defeat Gaming Disorder
U.S. World News & Report - Dr. Petros Levounis discusses gaming disorder, a behavioral addiction to play video games, and how to identify and treat the addiction.
Opioid Makers Gave $10 million to Drug Advocacy Groups
NBC News - Dr. Lewis Nelson, Chair and Professor of Emergency Medical at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, talks to NBC News about the latest update on the opioid epidemic.
Canton Mother Joins Fight Against Opioids After Son’s Death
The Seattle Times - After losing her son to an opioid overdose, a mom talks about the treatment drug, Naxolone. Dr. Lewis Nelson from Rutgers NJMS discusses the effects of the drug and emphasizes the proper treatment to recovery.
Eagles parade could be a powder keg for flu in state where 91 have died, experts warn
The state calls the flu outbreak widespread, and experts worry that packed trains and buses are a serious concern.
New Drug Therapy Could Lead to More Effective Treatment for Millions With Asthma
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School researchers identified a new treatment that could lead to more effective drug therapy for millions of individuals with asthma and other respiratory disorders such as chronic obstruction pulmonary disease (COPD).
A 2-minute survey to diagnose autism in toddlers
A 10-question survey developed by researchers at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School has a nearly 90 percent success rate at diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in children 3 years and younger.
Efforts to curb opioid misuse must preserve patient access to medically-necessary opioids
Over the past several years, increased attention has been paid to the use of opioids to treat chronic pain in America.
“This Year’s Flu Season” – Star Ledger
The dreaded H3N2 is in full force in New Jersey, with one person already killed from a flu-related illness.
Training Future Doctors to Deal with Opioid Addiction - NJTV
Rutgers Medical School rolls out new curriculum to combat opioid epidemic.
"Eating Tide Pods is Not Safe" New York Times
An improbable and dangerous idea promoted on the internet has become a cause for genuine concern, the authorities said.
“Training Future Doctors on Opioid Front” – NJ101.5
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School revamps its curriculum to better equip future physicians to deal with the growing opioid crisis.