
The members of the Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at New Jersey Medical School of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) are investigating some of the most intriguing problems facing modern biology, including regulation of gene expression, processing of mRNA, functional genomics, chromosome replication and recombination, regulation of cell growth and tumorigenesis, signal transduction and mechanisms governing bacterial and viral pathogenesis. Many different experimental systems are utilized including bacteria, viruses, yeast, animal cells and protozoa. The department is fully equipped for modern molecular studies and has core facilities available through the medical school for nucleic acid and protein sequencing, cell imaging, mass spectroscopy, FACS and advanced data processing.The department is housed in the International Center for Public Health (ICPH), the NJMS Medical Science Building and the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey at University Hospital. It shares the ICPH with the renowned Public Health Research Institute Center of NJMS(formerly of New York City) and the NJMS - Global Tuberculosis Institute. Our facilities create a unique and exciting environment for biomedical research.