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Resident Wellness

NJMS Student-Led Activities

We have a vibrant community of students here at NJMS that are active in sports, community outreach, lifestyle interests, artistic endeavors, ethnic groups, and wellness activities.  Our students welcome the opportunity to work alongside residents!  

Activities are grouped in five categories – athletic, community oriented, cultural/religious, interdisciplinary medicine interests groups, and other special interest groups. For a comprehensive list of all NJMS student activities, please click here.


Student Groups That Welcome Resident Involvement

AAPI - American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, rutgersnjmsaapi@njms.rutgers.edu

AWS - Association of Women Surgeons, aws@njms.rutgers.edu

Ben Rush Surgical Society, benrushsurgicalsocietynjms@njms.rutgers.edu

ClubMed, clubmed@njms.rutgers.edu

Interventional Radiology Interest Group, irig@njms.rutgers.edu

NJMS Jewish Society, jewishsociety@njms.rutgers.edu

OIG - Orthopaedics Interest Group, njmsoig@njms.rutgers.edu

PsychSIGN - Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network, psychsign@njms.rutgers.edu

Radiology Interest Group, radiologyinterestgroup@njms.rutgers.edu

Sight Savers Student Program, sightsavers@njms.rutgers.edu

SIGN - Student Interest Group in Neurology, sign@njms.rutgers.edu

Student National Medical Association, snma@njms.rutgers.edu

Urology Interest Group, urologyig@njms.rutgers.edu