Welcome to the Office of Student Affairs

Welcome to the Office of Student Affairs Website. This site presents an overview of student life at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) including resources for students, faculty advising opportunities, promotion requirements and school policies.

The purpose of this website is to assist students in understanding important programs and policies that pertain to NJMS as well as selected policies of the Rutgers Biomedical Health Sciences (RBHS) and Rutgers.

In addition to the NJMS, RBHS and Rutger's policies and requirements described on this site, each department has its own specific requirements for completion of courses. Students should become familiar with these policies and consult department guidelines.

This website may be updated periodically to carry out the purposes of NJMS. The school reserves the right to change any provisions, offerings, requirements, policies or regulations at any time during the student's period of study at NJMS. Changes are effective when issued unless otherwise specified. Students are responsible for checking with the Office of Student Affairs or this website for updates.

The main functions of the New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) Office of Student Affairs include:

  • Overseeing the academic progress of students
  • Providing counseling and advice as needed
  • Making referrals to appropriate support services
  • Preparing Medical Student Performance Evaluations (Dean's letters) for residencies and other letters of recommendation
  • Planning student activities and events
  • Offering moral support and encouragement to the entire student body


Office of Student Affairs Staff

Luis Alzate-Duque, MD, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Assistant Professor of Med/Peds
Email Address:  alzatelf@njms.rutgers.edu

Cheryl Slaughter-Hurst, Ed.D., MPH, Assistant Dean for Academic Development and Student Affairs
Email Address:  cc2018@njms.rutgers.edu

Gerard Robertson, Ph.D., M.S., Director for Academic Development and Student Affairs
Email address: gr515@njms.rutgers.edu

Nicole Reynoso-Vasquez, MD, Assistant Professor, Academic Advisor

Mercedes Padilla-Register, MA, Program Manager
Email Address: padillmn@njms.rutgers.edu

Stephanie Narine, Administrative Analyst
Email Address: san137@njms.rutgers.edu

Office of Student Affairs
Medical Science Building, Room B-648
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Phone: (973) 972-4783
Fax: (973) 972-4109

In the event of an emergency after business hours, please call:

(973) 561-7596