Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society

Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) is the National Honor Medical Society. Its goals are the promotion of scholarship and research in medical schools, the encouragement of a high standard of character and conduct among medical students and graduates, and recognition of high attainment of goals in medical science, practice, and related fields.  Students are elected to AOA in their junior or senior year of medical school. The selection process takes place in the late spring of the third year for Junior AOA and in August of the fourth year for Senior AOA.  The Rutgers New Jersey Medical School section of AOA is the Beta Chapter. Robert Schwartz, MD and William C. Lambert, MD serve as Councillor and Secretary-Treasurer respectively.
The top 25 percent of the class is eligible for election, but only 16 percent of each class can be elected from those students. AOA members, including students inducted in their third year, AOA faculty, alumni and house staff members are eligible to vote. Once elected, the new members are inducted during the annual spring banquet.