Career Development
(from AAAS )
Clinical research management: clinical research project/trials manager or coordinator
Scientific/medical testing: testing specialist in an environmental, public health, genetics, or
forensic science setting, clinical diagnostician
Science education for non-scientists: education or public outreach specialist such as at a science
museum or scientific society
Support of science-related products: technical support specialist, product development scientist
or engineer
Drug/device approval and production: regulatory affairs professional, quality control specialist
Sales and marketing of science-related products: medical science liaison, technical sales
representative, marketing specialist.
Public health related careers: public health program analyst or evaluator, epidemiologist,
biostatistician, medical informaticist
Science policy: public affairs/government affairs staff at scientific societies, foundations,
government entities, or think tanks
Research staff in a research-intensive institution: staff scientist or research in academia or
government, lab manager, director of a multi-user research facility in an academic institution
Science writing: science, medical or technical writer or journalist, science editor, science publisher
Research in industry: discovery or preclinical researcher, manager of a research team of facility
Combined research and teaching careers: faculty at a liberal arts college or university whose job
includes both research and major teaching responsibilities
Research administration: research administrator in private or public research institutions,
government or academia, including compliance officers, grants and contracts officers, dean or
director of research programs
Clinical practice: clinician such as genetics counselor, therapist, physician
Intellectual property: patent agent, patent attorney, technology transfer specialist
Science education for K-12 schools: classroom teacher, curriculum developer, science specialist
Teaching-intensive careers in academia: a primarily teaching faculty position in a research
university, liberal arts college, community college
Business of science: management consultant, business development professional in a biotech
company, venture capitalist, market researcher, investment analyst
Principal investigator in a research-intensive institution: independent researcher at a medical
school, private research institution, government lab or university with minimal teaching
Entrepreneurship: starting your own business