Current Students

Student Health and Wellness Services

Dear Student,

We recently announced that we’ve integrated therapy services into Student Health to create one office where you can get medical care, therapy, and psychiatric services. This collaboration between New Jersey Medical School, the School of Graduate Sciences, and the Student Wellness program is off to a good start.

We ask for your opinion: what tagline should we use to describe our new services? The choice Care for your body and mind received the most votes and you’ll begin to see it (as above) on our letterhead and in our communication.

A quick reminder that just like medical visits, therapy visits are available by telehealth or in-person. And just like medical visits, therapy visits are available to students without additional cost, regardless of insurance. To make an appointment, call us at 973.972.8219.

Stay tuned for more information about group sessions on stress reduction and monthly tips from Student Health.

Student Health and Wellness 

Wishing you a good start to the academic year!

Yours in health,

Noa'a Shimoni MD MPH
Shoshana Sperling PsyD


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