Current Students

Career Development

One-on-one advisement
Graduate students can meet Dr. Badheka on the Newark Health Science Campus. Please email Dr. Badheka ( for an appointment. It is strongly recommended that students start exploring career interests early on. Masters students should schedule their one-on-one appointment in the second semester and Ph.D. students should do the same in the third year of their Ph.D. program. The advising sessions are designed to (1) discuss career interests (2) map a plan to achieve career goals (3) develop a job search strategy (4) learn about best practices in resume writing, informational interviewing, and creating LinkedIn profile

Personal statement
Students who are in the process of writing a personal statement for graduate school or professional school, please take advantage of the services offered by Rutgers Career Exploration and Success (CES). Click this link to view an article by Rutgers CES and scroll down to the bottom of the article for the link to make an appointment. 

Rutgers Career Exploration and Success Services
Rutgers SGS students on the Newark Health Science Campus have access to the services offered by Rutgers Career Exploration and Success. The services include one-on-one appointments as well as free admission to workshops and career fairs. For services like: Interview Prep, Negotiation Tips, LinkedIn Assistance, Resume, Cover Letter, and CV Reviews, Application Tips, Tricks, and Assistance, Assistance with professional correspondence, Assistance Activating Your Handshake Account or Other Online Career Tools please make an appointment with Virtual Drop-In Career Studio. For upcoming events and career fairs please visit the Events Calendar.

LinkedIn learning
LinkedIn learning is a free resource available to all Rutgers students, staff, and faculty. If this is your first time using LinkedIn Learning through Rutgers, here are helpful resources to connect your Rutgers account with LinkedIn Learning: (1) First time users (2) Connecting Your LinkedIn Profile (3) Home page with Login link. Additionally, here are a few LinkedIn learning tutorials to kick start your career development: (1) Rock your LinkedIn profile (2) Optimize Your Resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (3) Cover letter (4) Informational interviewing  (5) Hacks to Land a Job Using LinkedIn 

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