Current Students

The Business of Science: Drug Development - From Molecules to Medicine (M2M) - PATH N5209

There are a myriad of research and non-research departments in the biopharma industry. All of these work together to help launch a treatment (new drug) and continue its safety monitoring. The objective of this course is to provide students a deep insight into the drug development and commercialization process. Lecture topics are designed for those who may be interested in a career in a pharmaceutical company, biotech company, consulting firms or medical communication agencies. The course will give students an opportunity to interact with professionals from these areas. Click here for fall 2024 syllabus.

This course is taught online and in-person through live lectures. Students' attendance is required, and students attending online are required to keep their camera on. In fall 2024, this course will meet on Tuesdays from 6 to 9 PM.

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