Current Students

Advances in Nucleic Acids: DNA  – MBGC 5070Q 

This course is an advanced Molecular Biology course that covers many aspects of structural and biosynthetic properties of DNA, RNA and proteins.  In addition, regulatory mechanisms governing biosynthesis of these macromolecules in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems are also discussed.  The course is taught by experts in each field (see a latest schedule for topics) and consists of 2 modules. The first module is devoted to genomic structure and enzymatic apparatus that facilitates DNA synthesis in various biological systems (viruses, bacteria, eukaryotes etc). The second module will address similar issues pertaining to RNA. In addition, regulation of RNA synthesis in organ specific manner in eukaryotes will also be covered in this module. Individual lectures choose the lecture format but are strongly encouraged to limit the didactic (or text based) form and include direct student participation by means of a class discussion of a pre-selected paper. The course has rather strict attendance requirement. The course director generally attends all the lectures. The course has a Take Home examination format. This means that all the text and published papers may be freely used (and should be cited) in answering questions.

Module A  ( DNA transactions) runs September to October

Module B   (RNA transactions) runs October to December

Faculty Contact:  Dr. M. Modak (Course Director) Tel.973-972-5515

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