Current Students

Neurobiology of Disease –  NEUR N5040

This course will focus on the molecular, cellular and behavioral mechanisms underlying neurological and psychiatric disorders. The course is organized into three subunits: psychiatric disorders (depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders & addiction); neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and epilepsy); central nervous system injury and neurodegenerative disorders affecting motor function (multiple sclerosis, ALS, Huntington’s Disease, and spinal cord injury).  Lectures will include an overview of affected neural systems, current research theories regarding etiology, molecular mechanisms and current therapeutic strategies. Exams will be in  essay and/or multiple choice format.  Student presentations will coincide with each module of the class.  Student course grades are equally weighted across the three exams and the presentation.  Depending on the size of the course, student presentations may be individual or in pairs. Readings are assigned each week by the lecturers. Please click here to view the Spring 2022 syllabus.

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