Welcome to the Seminar in Biomedical Sciences course website. This course is offered in the Fall semester, every year.
Faculty representing programs and departments in SGS Newark-RBHS will be invited to present their research and engage in discussion with the class. Students are given a paper to read one week prior to faculty presentations and one group of students is assigned to act as hosts or panelists to lead discussion each week. All materials and papers will be made available on the Moodle course website.
(1) Students will understand how the research in laboratory and clinical settings has advanced the knowledge and technology in life science.
(2) Students will develop creative and critical thinking-skills through active discussion during the seminar.
(1) To understand the background information and key hypothesis of each seminar.
(2) To describe experimental approaches to test the hypothesis of each topic.
(3) To experience serving as a host or panelist of the seminar.
(4) To find a sponsor laboratory for a thesis or research experience.
Course Format:
(1) Faculty members or invited scholars will present their current research for about 60 min.
(2) Students will serve as either hosts or panelists to lead discussion about 20 min after the seminar.
Evaluation (100%): The final grade will be based on the total score as follows.
(1) 70% - classroom attendance; since this is mandatory, if you miss a session, you are required to write a two-page summary of the assigned paper.
(2) 10% - active participation in the seminar; it is anticipated that a total of 10 students should be able to actively participate in the discussion after each seminar.
(3) 20% - final report; students should turn in the final report (less than 3 pages) at any time up until December 10, 2008, summarizing one of the presentations and proposing future experiments in the field, in the form of one Specific Aim.
Faculty contact: Dr. Raymond Birge (birgera@njms.rutgers.edu)
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