Prospective Students

GSBS Master's Program Thesis (MS)

The master's program offers 2 degrees: (1) a Master of Biomedical Sciences (MBS), which requires course work and a research rotation and (2) the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences (MS), which requires course work and a research based thesis project.

Students that opt for the MS program will perform a focused, directed, and limited research project under the direction of a faculty mentor.  To facilitate timely completion of the research project and thesis, students in the MS program may perform a research rotation the summer prior to matriculation in the Fall semester.

Typically, students begin their thesis research by following 3 steps.  First, the student identifies potential faculty mentors with research interests that align with their own.  Second, the student contacts potential faculty mentors to discuss potential projects.  Third, the student and faculty mentor mutually agree upon a research project and when the research will initiate.

Students in the MS program may switch to the MBS program and conversely, MBS students may switch to the MS program.  This would be done in consultation with the program director and any faculty mentor.






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