Message from the Chair
Message From The Chair
Marc Klapholz, MD, MBA, FACC
Professor and Chair
Marc Klapholz, MD, MBA, FACC
The Department of Medicine offers a broad range of clinical services for adults and opportunities for training and careers for physicians. Internists regularly counsel patients about strategies to prevent future disease and apply highly specialized technologies to solve current medical problems. For young physicians, a career in internal medicine can offer a lifelong partnership with patients providing primary care or can focus on a subspecialty area in which they provide expert and focused consultation and management. The Department of Medicine at New Jersey Medical School offers an additional dimension related to academic activities of training and research. Our faculty engage in cutting-edge research, defining the current state-of-the-art in fundamental understanding of disease processes and optimal approaches to prevention, diagnosis and management. This translates into an ideal.
This is an exciting time for practicing physicians, trainees and our patients. New diagnostic techniques and advances in molecular biology and genetics have made it possible to better understand our patients’ problems. It is the translation of these advances to the bedside that is our forte - and our commitment.
Our department is constituted by dedicated clinical faculty and active research programs located at three principal sites: the East Orange Veterans’ Administration Medical Center; Hackensack University Medical Center, a suburban tertiary referral hospital; and University Hospital, an urban hospital that serves an inner-city population as well as a referred patient base.
I encourage you to learn more about the activities and accomplishments of the Department of Medicine by exploring this Web site.