Epidemiology and pathophysiology
Evidence for effectiveness of rehab
Neurological recovery and staging
Secondary prevention
Aphasias (speech)
Dysarthrias (language)
Visiospatial issues, apraxias, cognitive dysfunction, and neglect syndromes
Depression, fatigue, and sleep disorders
Workshop: dysphagia/swallow evaluation
Acute assessment and management
Outcomes and prognostication
Neuroendocrine dysfunction
Neuroanatomy and pathophysiology
Behavioral dysfunction
Levels of consciousness (vegetative/minimally conscious state)
Non-traumatic brain injury (anoxia, SAH)
Neuropsychology and cognitive rehabilitation
Psychiatric issues and TBI
Post-concussive syndrome
Workshop: mental status testing and bedside cognitive assessment
Parkinson's disease
Multiple sclerosis-pidemiology and rehabilitation
Post-polio syndrome
Dystonia and other movement disorders
Spasticity management (injections, ITB)
Fatigue in neurological disorders
Workshop: cranial nerve testing
Workshop: chemodenervation
SCI introduction and epidemiology
Acute management and rehabilitation
Current advances in SCI research
ASIA classification and clinical syndromes
Medical management and rehabilitation
DVT prophylaxis
Bowel management
Urologic issues and urodynamics
Pulmonary issues and respiratory management
Prognosis and functional status
Decubitus ulcer management
Pain management
Sexuality and fertility
TBI and SCI dual diagnosis
Non-traumatic SCI
Workshop: wheelchair prescribing
Peripheral artery disease
Rehabilitation after amputation
Phantom pain
Dermatological issues in the amputee
Upper limb orthotics
Lower limb orthotics
Upper limb prosthetics
Lower limb prosthetics
Spinal orthotics
Workshops: prescribing orthotics and prosthetics
Burn rehabilitation
Cardiac rehabilitation and prescription writing
Pulmonary rehabilitation in neuromuscular disease
Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic lung disease
Cancer rehabilitation
Palliative care
End of life, breaking bad news
Rheumatoid arthritis
Pathokinesiology and treatment of the rheumatoid hand
Synovial fluid analysis
Seronegative arthopathies
Collagen vascular diseases, SLE
Gout and pseudogout
Myopathy and myositis, lyme disease, polymyalgia rheumatica
Workshop: musculoskeletal ultrasound
Basic principles of sports medicine
Injuries in the throwing athlete
Upper extremity sports injuries and rehabilitation
Lower extremity sports injuries and rehabilitation
Concussion in the athlete
Overuse injuries in the athlete
On-field coverage of sporting events
Role of the athletic trainer
Surgical repair of nerve injuries (grafts, transpositions, releases)
Brachial plexus
Lumbosacral plexus
Upper limb nerves
Lower limb nerves
Entrapment neuropathies
Motor neuron disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Motor and sensory nerve conduction studies
Late responses
Equipment and safety
Repetitive stimulation and neuromuscular junction pathophysiology
Facial studies
Workshop: electrodiagnostic techniques
Cerebral palsy
Neuromuscular disorders
Brachial plexopathy
Pediatric trauma (SCI, TBI)
Spina bifida
Pediatric movement disorders
Developmental pediatrics
Joint arthroplasty rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of fractures
Fall prevention and rehabilitation
Assessing the older driver
Ambulatory aids, equipment for ADLs
Debility and the effects of bedrest
Radiology review
Plain films
MRI: spine
MRI: knee and shoulder
Other studies: Bone scans, fMRI, SPECT
Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain
Axial interventions
Foot and ankle pain (shoe and orthotic prescribing)
Upper extremity syndromes
Lower extremity syndromes
Rehabilitation of the performing artist
Pelvic floor rehabilitation
Industrial / occupational (IMEs, disability evaluations), work hardening
Core strengthening
Workshop: peripheral joint injections
Spine anatomy and biomechanics
Trunk and upper back anatomy and biomechanics
Lower back and hip anatomy and biomechanics
Shoulder anatomy and biomechanics
Elbow and forearm anatomy and biomechanics
Hand and wrist anatomy and biomechanics
Knee and ankle anatomy and biomechanics
Workshops: anatomy labs with cadaver prosection
Complementary and alternative medicine: acupuncture, massage, nutraceuticals
DVT prophylaxis in inpatient rehab
Heterotopic ossification
Driving evaluation
Ostomy care
Therapeutic recreation and adaptive sports
Subacute rehabilitation
Principles of osteopathy/OMM
Environmental control units
Gait - normal and abnormal
Rehabilitation issues in pregnancy
Chronic pain management
Complex regional pain syndrome
Sleep disorders
Vestibular rehabilitation
Physiatric consultation
Therapeutic effects of exercise
Therapy prescription writing
Rehabilitation placement
Infection control
Rehabilitation nursing
Rehabilitation psychology
Pharmacology (pain medications, NSAIDs, antiepileptics, cannabanoids, neuropharm)
Evidence-based medicine
Clinical research design
Evaluating study design
Statistical tests
Null and alternative hypotheses
Parametric statistics
Non-parametric statistics
Qualitative research methods
Power and sample size calculations
Research misconduct
Role of the IRB
Clinical tests and measurements
Sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratio
Using SAS, SPSS, and Excel
Practical issues in employment
Fellowship panel
Billing and coding issues
Practice management and financial planning
Contracts and compensation
Job search techniques
Physician prescribing habits and Pharma influence
Medico-legal documentation
Health care disparities
Resident as teacher
The art and science of teaching
Self-reflection, defining your mission statement
Physician impairment
PDSA and quality improvement
System-based practice essentials (Medicaid, Medicare)
Informed consent