Resident Publications and Presentations
Annunziato J, Shor D, Parikh S. Painful Proximally Oriented Large Heterotopic Spur Formation in an Active Adult With a Nontraumatic Amputation. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 2020;120(4):283-285.
Ma RT, Bartolo KB, Lew HL. An Unusual Case of Foot Weakness Caused by Proximal Extensor Hallucis Longus Rupture. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2020;99(3):e41.
Diaz-Segarra N, Bartolo KB, Yonclas P. An Uncommon Cause of Lateral Hip Pain After Multitrauma: A Clinical Vignette. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2020;99(5):446-448.
Bitterman J, Lew HL, Kirshblum S, Enam N, Pierce D, Ma RT. Design and Implementation of a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Curriculum for PM&R Residents: Pilot Data on Improvement of Palpation Accuracy in Physical Examination. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2020;
Bitterman J, Oh-Park M, Lew HL, Ma RT. Identifying and Monitoring Deficiencies in Physical Examination of the Foot and Ankle with Diagnostic Ultrasound: Experience from a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Training Program. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2020;
Diaz-Segarra N, Mckay O, Yonclas P, Kirshblum. Supranumerary Phantom Limb after an Acute Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Report. Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2020.
Diaz-Segarra N, Edmond A, Kunac A, Yonclas P. COVID-19 Ischemic Strokes as an Emerging Rehabilitation Population: A Case Series. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2020.
Diaz-Segarra N, Bartolo K, Yonclas P. A Case of Moriel-Lavallée Lesion: An Uncommon Cause of Lateral Hip Pain After Multi-Trauma. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2020."]
Segarra N, Seidel B. Detection of Visual Fixation and Functional Object Use in a Patient with a Disorder of Consciousness through Smart Phone Use: A Case Report. Abstract and Poster presented at the International Society of Physical Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) Meeting, Orlando Fl, 3/2020.
Stubblefield, M., Chou, K., Enam, N. (2020). Radiation Fibrosis. In Cancer Rehabilitation: a concise and portable pocket guide. New York, NY: Springer Nature.
Hagedorn JM, Demian PS, Scarfo KA, Engle AM, Deer TR. Proclaim™ DRG Neurostimulator System for the management of chronic, intractable pain [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 19]. Pain Manag. doi:10.2217/pmt-2020-0010
Deer, TR, Hunter, C, Demian, PS, Scarfo, K, Strand, N. Neuromodulation Techniques for Pain Treatment. Book chapter accepted.
Enam, N., Chou, K., Stubblefield, M. Epidemiology of Neuromuscular and Visceral Complications Following Treatment of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Poster presented at: The 14th International Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress and 53rd Association of Academic Physiatrists Meeting, Orlando, FL. March 8, 2020.
Enam, N., Hsieh, S., Suttle, G., McKay, O., Yonclas, P. Paroxysmal Autonomic Instability with Dystonia Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case Report. Poster presented at: The North American Brain Injury Society's 15th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. February 28, 2020.
Kirshblum S, Botticello A, Benedetto J, Donovan J, Marino R, Hsieh S, Wagaman N. "A comparison of diagnostic stability of the ASIA Impairment Scale versus Frankel classification systems for traumatic spinal cord injury." Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2020 June; Article in Press.
Hsieh S, Kirshblum S, Donovan J, McKay O, Fyffe D. "Wheelchair immersion program for medical students." Association of Academic Physiatrists: Annual Meeting 2020, Orlando, FL. March 7, 2020.
Hsieh S, Nieves J. Acute paraparesis secondary to Addisonian crisis." Association of Academic Physiatrists: Annual Meeting 2020, Orlando, FL. March 6, 2020.
Hsieh S, Seidel B. "Vocal cord paralysis: A differential diagnosis of hypophonia." Association of Academic Physiatrists: Annual Meeting 2020, Orlando, FL. March 6, 2020.
Hsieh S, Botticello A, Donovan J, Kline-Quiroz C. "Return to education after traumatic spinal cord injury and potential benefits to improved quality of life." Oral presentation accepted at Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals: Conference and Expo 2020. September 13, 2020.
Tumminelli P, Raghhunadan A, Malanga G. "PLAY" (Preventing Long-Term Arthritis in Youth) Program a Review of the Literature of the Etiology of Post-traumatic Osteoarthritis and Potential Preventative Treatments. J Arthritis, 2020, 9(1),001-008.
Cherian C., Malanga G.A., Hogaboom N., Pollack M.A., Dyson-Hudson T.A. Autologous, micro-fragmented adipose tissue as a treatment for chronic shoulder pain in a wheelchair using individual with spinal cord injury: a case report. Spinal Cord Series and Cases. 2019;5(1):46. PMID: 31632705
Hogaboom N., Dyson-Hudson T., Cherian C., Malanga G. Pilot Study Evaluating Autologous, Micro-Fragmented Adipose Tissue for Shoulder Pain in Wheelchair Users With SCI. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2019;100(12):e193.
P. Chirichella PS, Jow S, Iacono S, Wey HE, Malanga GA. Treatment of Knee Meniscus Pathology: Rehabilitation, Surgery, and Orthobiologics. PM R. 2019 Mar;11(3):292-308. doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2018.08.384. Epub 2019 Feb 27. Review.
P. Chirichella, J.P. Guo, B. McGoey, M. Michelis, Long-term Reversal of Hypogammaglobulinemia in two Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) Patients after Discontinuation of Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG), Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (February 2009), 123 (2), Supplement, pg. S12-S12 Presented May 2009 at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Annual Meeting
Ellwood S, Shupper P, Kaufman A. A Retrospective Chart Review Analyzing the Safety of Spinal Radiofrequency Procedures in Patients Who Have Metallic Posterior Spinal Instrumentation. Poster presented at: ASRA Annual Pain Medicine Meeting; Nov 2017; Orlando, FL.
Annunziato J, Parikh S. (2018). Painful Heterotopic Ossification in an Adult Non-Traumatic Amputee Adjacent to the Residual Femur Misdiagnosed as Neuropathic and Myofascial Pain. Poster presented at American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Mid Year Meeting & Scientific Seminar, Nashville, TN.
Annunziato J, Kong Y. (2018). Saddle Embolism and Cardiogenic Shock After Distal Deep Vein Thrombosis is Initially Diagnosed as Acute Lumbar Radiculopathy: A Case Report. Poster presented at Academy of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Dyson-Hudson T.A., Malanga G., Cherian C., Michalec M., Kirshblum S. Autologous Micro-Fragmented Adipose Tissue Injection for Shoulder Pain in SCI. Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2018; 40(1):600-1.
Cherian C., Malanga G.A., Dyson-Hudson T. A Novel Treatment for a Common Cause of Shoulder Pain: A Case Report. PM&R, 10 (9): Supplement 1. September 2018
Cherian C., Malhotra G. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Presenting as a Spinal Accessory Nerve Injury on Electrodiagnostic Evaluation: A Case Report. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 97(3): Supplement 1. March 2018
Kline-Quiróz CM, Oh-Park M. Weakness and Spasm of Lower Limbs as an Unusual Presentation of West Nile Virus Infection. Poster Presentation. American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. To be presented Oct 25, 2018.
Kline-Quiróz CM, Jasey N, Khanna A. Role of Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation following Resection of Vestibular Schwannoma. Poster Presentation, Cancer Rehabilitation Symposium, New York, NY. April 2018.
Kline-Quiróz CM, Brooks M. Spinal Epidural Abscess as Complication of Thoracic Epidural Analgesia. Poster Presentation. Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. February 2018
Kline-Quiróz CM. Brooks M. Hungry Bone Syndrome in Rehabilitation. Poster Presentation. Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. February 2018.
Kline-Quiróz CM. Tancredi M, Wirth M. Stress & aggression: relationships between aggressive feelings, behavior, and the stress hormone cortisol. Poster Presentation. Undergraduate Scholars Conference, Notre Dame, IN. May 2011.
Khanna A, Stubblefield M, Kline-Quiróz CM, Kendig T, Patel K. Game of Bones: An interactive Look At Bone Health & Skeletal Metastases in Cancer Patients. American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference. Dallas, TX. To be presented Oct 3, 2018.
Kline-Quiróz, CM, Donovan J, Botticello A. Factors Associated with Return to Education after Spinal Cord Injury. Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals 2018 Educational Conference. New Orleans, LA. To be presented Sept 4, 2018.
Kline-Quiróz CM, Donovan J, Botticello A. Factors Associated with Return to Education after Spinal Cord Injury. New Jersey Society of PM&R Resident Research Night, Kessler West Orange, NJ. April 2018.
Gerard Malanga MD, Jay Panchal MD, Mitchell Sheinkop MD. Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Injection of Lipogems Micro-Fractured Adipose Tissue for Osteoarthritic Knees. American Journal of Orthopedics
Jay Panchal, MD, Jeffrey L Cole, MD, Raisa Bakshiyev MD. (2018) Utilization of Inching Technique in Diagnosis of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome: A Case Report. Poster Presentation: Association of Academic Physiatrist (AAP) 2018 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
Jay Panchal, MD, Gerard Malanga, MD. (2018). Refractory Left Elbow Pain in a Young Male Weightlifter. Poster Presentation: 2018 American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL
Ellwood S, Shupper P, Kaufman A. A Retrospective Chart Review Analyzing the Safety of Spinal Radiofrequency Procedures in Patients Who Have Metallic Posterior Spinal Instrumentation. Pain Physician. Accepted for publication 4/3/2018.
Shupper P, Stitik TP. Tibialis Posterior Tenosynovitis: A Unique Musculoskeletal Manifestation of Gout. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2018; (97): 143-146.
Shupper P, Ellwood S, Gilels S, Colao J, Kaufman A. Conventional Radiofrequency Ablation of Genicular Nerves at 80°C – A One Year Retrospective Evaluation. Selected for presentation at ASRA 2018 World Congress on Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine; April 2018; New York, New York.
Siddiqi S, Shupper P, Ahmed T, Mammis A. The Utility of Electromyography and Somatosensory Evoked Potential for Accurate Lead Placement in Trigeminal Neuralgia. Presented at: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting; Jan 2018; Las Vegas, NV.
Shupper P, Mammis A. A Case Report of an Alternative Neurostimulation Approach in the Lumbar Spine. Presented at: North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting; Jan 2018; Las Vegas, NV.
Annunziato J, Malhotra G. (2017). Posterior Fibular Head Dysfunction Due to Akathisia. Poster presented at American Osteopathic College of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Mid Year Meeting & Scientific Seminar, Hollywood, FL.
Annunziato J. Residency Spotlight: Rutgers-NJMS. AOCPMR Newsletter, July 2017.
Annunziato J. Yoga for Health: Considerations Beyond Energy Cost and Isolated Asanas. Rehab in Review, April 2017. "
Cherian C., Oh-Park M., Averill A. Radial Artery Thrombosis In A Stroke Survivor: Urgent Diagnosis Mimicking A New Stroke. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96(3): Supplement 1. March 2017
Jay Panchal, MD, Gerard Malanga, MD (2017).Safety and Efficacy of Percutaneous Injection of Lipogems Micro-Fractured Adipose Tissue for Osteoarthritic Knees. Poster Presentation: The Future of Regenerative Medicine Congress 2017, Teaneck, NJ 07666
P.Chirichella. G. Malanga. Treatment of Femoral Osteonecrotic Lesion Following Failed Subchondroplasty with Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Loaded Allograft: A Case Report. Presented October 2017 at the AAPM&R Annual Assembly
Mehta, N. The power of positive self-talk: Mind over matter.Physiatry in Motion, article publication. Issue #7. Published 08/01/2017.
Levy B, Nevo Z, Mehta N. Cervical Whiplash. PM&R Knowledge NOW, Revision of Topic. Updated 04/05/2017.
Association of Academic Physiatrists, 2/2018 Poster Presentations at 2018 annual meeting in Atlanta, GA Mehta N, Dabaghian L, Yonclas Y. An Unusual Case of Isolated Vastus Lateralis Atrophy.
Mehta N, Dabaghian L, Yonclas Y. Breaking paroxysmal autonomic instability with dystonia (PAID) after severe brain injury with botulinum toxin.
Dabaghian L, Mehta N, Yonclas Y. Bradycardia of Brain Injury: Unique Manifestation of Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity Treated with Gabapentin.
Dabaghian L, Mehta N, Yonclas Y. Treating Intractable Paroxysmal Autonomic Instability with Dystonia with Neurolysis.
Dabaghian L, Konowich J, Mehta N, Yonclas Y. Horner's Syndrome Overshadowed by Brachial Plexopathy after Stab Wound to Neck.
American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,10/2017, Poster presentation at the 2017 Annual Assembly in Denver, CO, Mehta N, Cole J. Patient-administered Sphenopalatine Ganglion Block: A Case Report.
Matveev A, Shupper P, Speert T, Bapineedu R, Oh-Park M. Concomitant Critical Illness Myopathy Mimicking Locked-In Syndrome in a Stroke Patient. Presented by P Shupper: AAP Annual Assembly; Feb 2017; Las Vegas, NV.
Agulia E, Shupper P, Bapineedu R. Early vs. Late Cranioplasty After Craniectomy – Examining Functional Outcomes. Presented by P Shupper: AAP Annual Assembly; Feb 2017; Las Vegas, NV.
Vu T, Shupper P, Bapineedu R. Encephalopathy Related to Thyrotoxicosis. Presented by P Shupper: AAP Annual Assembly; Feb 2017; Las Vegas, NV.
Oh-Park M, Mehta N. Assessment and treatment of balance impairments. PM&R Knowledge NOW, Topic publication. Published 04/13/2016. Contributing Editor
NY/NJ Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, 11/2016, Poster presentation at 2016 Pain Medicine Symposium in Jersey City, NJ, Mehta N, Aydin S. Conversion of Long Acting Morphine Three Times a Day Dosing to Long Acting Tamper Resistant Morphine (Embeda) Twice a Day Dosing: A Case Series of Conversion.Nominated Award Winning Abstract
Association of Academic Physiatrists 2/2016, Poster presentation at 2016 annual meeting in Sacramento, CA,Mehta N, Parikh S. Unusual case of left hemiparesis and neglect following retraction of brain after corpus callosotomy
Byun, E.K., Berry, K.M., Lee, A., Oh-Park, M. (2016). Delirium Associated With Lidocaine Patch Administration: A Case Presentation. PM&R. Volume 8(6):597-601.
Berry, KM., Byun, EK., Oh-Park, M. Gabapentin-Induced Fever: A Case Report. Poster presented at the AAP Annual Assembly; 2016 Feb 16-20; Sacramento, CA.
Shupper P, Aydin SM. Evaluation and Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Pain in a Patient with a History of Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Case Series. Poster presented at: ASIPP Annual Meeting Apr 2016; Dallas, TX.
Shupper P, Stitik T, Koon C, Kumbar S. Tibialis Posterior Tenosynovitis – a Unique Musculoskeletal Manifestation of Gout. Poster presented at: AAP Annual Assembly; Feb 2016; Sacramento, CA.
Koerner JD, Vives MJ, O'Connor JP, Chirichella PS, Breitbart EA, Chaudhary SB, Uko L, Subramanian S, Fritton JC, Benevenia J, Lin SS. Zinc has insulin-mimetic properties which enhance spinal fusion in a rat model. The Spine Journal. 2016;16(6):777-783.
Berry, KM., Cole, JL. Use of Calcitonin as Treatment for Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Elbow: A Case Report. Poster presented at the AAPM&R Annual Assembly; 2015 Oct 1-4; Boston, MA.
Berry, KM., Oh-Park, M., Byun, EK. Development of Delirium Following Lidocaine Patch Administration: A Case Report. Poster presented at the AAP Annual Assembly; 2015 Mar 10-14; San Antonio, TX.
Demian P, Shupper P, Goyal JR, Stitik T. Doppler Ultrasound as an In-Office Diagnostic Tool in Treatment of Refractory Pain in Lisfranc Injury: A Case Report. Poster presented at: NY/NJSIPP Pain Medicine Symposium; Nov 2015; Jersey City, NJ.
Shupper P, Averill A, Oh-Park M. Sequale of Lower Leg Compartment Syndrome After Suspected Diabetic Muscle Infarction: A Case Report. Poster presented at: AAP Annual Assembly; March 2015; San Antonio, TX.
Peii Chen, PhD, Irene Ward, Ummais Khan, MD, Yan Liu, MD and Kimberly Hreha, MS. Spatial Neglect Hinders Success of Inpatient Rehabilitation in Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Retrospective Study. Neurorehabilitation and
Neural Repair. 2015
Fagnant HS, Uzumcu M, Buckendahl P, Dunn MG, Shupper P, Shapses SA. Fetal and neonatal exposure to the endocrine disruptor, methoxychlor, reduces lean body mass and bone mineral density and increases cortical porosity. Calcif Tissue Int. 2014 Dec; 95(6): 521-9.
Foye PM, Shupper P, Wendel I. Coccyx fractures treated with intranasal calcitonin. Pain Physician. 2014 Mar 25.
Mehta SK, Chirichella PS, Wey H, Lin SS. Novel Technique: Retrograde Drilling for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus Using a Cannulated Screw for the Treatment and Local Delivery of Orthobiologics. Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery. 2012;11(1):26-33.
Haas JP, Shupper P, Visintainer P, Montecalvo MA. Evaluation of contact precautions discharges in an acute care setting. Am J Infect Control. 2012 Jun; 40(5):468-9.
Resident Presentations
Katherine Bentley, MD, JenFu Cheng, MD, Amanda Botticello, PhD, MPH
The Affect of Pediatric Adaptive Rock Climbing on Quality of Life. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
J. Santiago Campos, MD, Susan V. Garstang, MD. Nutcracker Syndrome Presenting With Bilateral Hip and Low Back Pain: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Eduardo J. Cruz, MD, Gautam Malhotra, MD. Pancoust Tumor Presenting as T2 Radiculopathy. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Amanda Farag, MD. Dalfampridine: Is the Seizure Risk Greater Than Previously Thought? Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Anupama Ganga, MD , Jeffrey L. Cole, MD. Catching the Cluneal Nerve: A Case Report on Diagnostic Clueneal Nerve Block. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Bethany Lipa, M.D, Peii Chen PhD, Naureen Zaidi, Cristin McKenna MD, PhD,
Anna M. Barrett, MD. Leftward walking deviation after right-hemisphere stroke: A Case Report Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Anthony Lee, MD, Barbara Benevento, MD. Not Just Orthostatis: Adrenal Failure During Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Kirk Lercher, MD, Patrick M. Foye, MD. Heterotopic Ossification of the Coccyx as a post-Operative Complication of Coccygectomy. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Amrish D. Patel, MD, PT, Gautam Malhotra, MD. Symptomatic Quadriceps Herniation after Traumatic Laceration: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Christine Pfisterer, DO, Carol Gill, MD. Seizure Activity AS the Cause of Unresponsiveness In a Teraplegic Patient with Stable Vital Signs. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Christine Roque-Dang, MD, Todd P. Stitik, MD. Puddle Slip Injury Resulting in a Complete Proximal Avulsion of the Semimeranosus Tendon in a on-Athlete: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Mark A. Sison, MD, PT. Limb Activation Therapy in the Rehabilitation of Left Spatial Neglect Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2011.
Altschuler, E. L., Wyss, J. F., Gerstman, B., Lee, J. & Stitik, T. P. Using examples from injured athletes with information obtained via the media, and also ultrasound as the primary teaching modality for first year medical school anatomy. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Neeti Bathia, MD. A Typical Left Upper Quadrant and Thoracic Pain Syndrome from a Sequestered Thoracic Disc Masquerading as a possible Meningioma: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Neeti Bathia, MD, Todd Stitk, MD. Influenza Vaccine Shoulder Vaccinatin-Related Traumatic Injury to the Infraspinatus: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Neeti Bathia, MD, Gerard Malanga, MD. Ultrasound-Guided Aspiration and Corticosteroid Injection in the Management of a Paralabral Ganglion Cyst. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Gina M. Benaquista DeSipio, DO, Steven Kirshblum, MD. Traumatic Motor Incomplete Tetraplegia with Absence of Sacral Sensory Sparing: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Katherine Bentley, MD. A Case of Possible Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Following Alcohol Blocks to the Medial Branches of the Medial Hamstrings. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Santiago J. Campos, MD, Peter Yonclas, MD. Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculopathy Presenting with Bilateral Shoulder Pain and Upper Extremity Weakness; A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Miguel A. Coba, MD. Brown Sequard Syndrome Presenting as Acute Stroke. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Miguel A. Coba, MD, Jeffrey L. Cole, MD. Radiculopathy with A L6 Transitional Vertebra: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Margaret Donlon, MPH, MD. Concussions in Surfers. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Margaret M. Donlon, MD, MPH, Jonathan L. Fellus, MD. Post-Anoxic Facial Myoclonus Triggered by Speaking but Not Singing: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Anupama Ganga, MD. Pyridostigmine in the Management of Autonomic Dysfunction in Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Anupama Ganga, MD. Chronic Pelvic Pain Secondary to Lumbar Spinal Pathology. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Brett Gerstman, MD, Susan V. Garstang, MD. Educating Medical Students About PM&R: A Model That Works. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Brett Gerstman, MD, Gerard A. Malanga, MD, Steven Ferrer, MD. Rotator Cuff Tear in a 12-Year Old Baseball Pitcher: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Benjamin D. Levy, MD, Neil Jasey, MD. Warfarin-Induced Hepatotoxicity in an Ashkenazi Jewish Female Following Total Knee Arthroplasty. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Bethany M. Lipa, MD. Choreathetosis Secondary to Anoxic Brain Injury: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Stephanie K. Liu, MD, Eric L Altschuler, MD, PhD, Steve M. Aydin, DO, Jennifer Epperlein, DO. More Than Just Foot Drop: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Amrish D. Patel, MD, PT. Management After Vertebractomy for Osteomuelitis in a Spinal Cord Injury Patient. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Christine Pfisterer, MD. Sudden Onset Apraxia Secondary to Primary Angilitis of the Central Nervous System. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Kelly L. Scollon-Grieve, MD, Allison M. Averill, MD. Metronidazole-Induced Encephalopathy Clinical and Radiologic Findings: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Kelly L. Scollon-Grieve, MD, Gerard Malanga, MD. Platelet Rich Plasma Injection For Partial Patellar Tendon Tear in a High School Athlete: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Alon Terry, MD, Jeffrey L. Cole, MD. Furniture Mover’s Palsy: Cervical Radiculopathy Mimics Long Thoracic Nerve Injury. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Solano J, Altschuler EL (April 2010) Profound Upper Limb Weakness with Diiscordant Completely NormalSensation After Gun Shot Wound Injury. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2010.
Bathia N. Malanga GA, Ultrasound –Guided Aspiration and Corticosteroid Injection in the Management of a paralabral Ganglion Cyst. PM&R 2009;1(11):1041-1044.
Gerstman BA, Malanga GA, Ferrer S. Rotator Cuff Tear in a 12-Year-Old Baseball Pitcher; A Case Report. PM&R 2009;1(7):687-690.
Elwood D, Kirschner JS, Moroz A, Berliner J. Exploring Systems-Based Practice in a Sample of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Programs. PM&R. 2009;1:223-228.
Kirschner JS, Cole JL, Foye PM. Piriformis syndrome, diagnosis and treatment. Muscle and Nerve , 2009;40 (1):10-18.
Malhotra G. Abassi A, Rhee M. Complications of Transforaminal Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections. Spine Phila Pa 1976). 2009;34(7):731-739.
Varghese-Kroll E, Ma RT, Stitik TP. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound and Its Application for Therapeutic injections: A Literature Review. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 2009 March; 88(3): S22-S23.
Wyss JF, Altschuler E. A Normal Reflex. AAPM&R Case of the Month, August 2009.
Shupper P, Patel S, Ambia-Sobhan H, Armenti, AE, Uzumcu M, Shapses SA. Early Methoxychlor Exposure Reduces Growth and Bone Mass. Selected for presentation at The Federation of American Societies of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting; April 2009; New Orleans, LA. "
Ankamah AK. Iatrogenic complete paraplegia status-post epidural lysis of adhesions: a case report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Ankamah AK. Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (PCD) complicated with right transfemoral amputation: a case report and literature review. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Aydin S, Ma R. Isolated proximal biceps tendinopathy in a patient with remote history of biceps tendodesis. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Benaquista GM, Benevento B. Phrenic nerve stimulation in a ventilator-dependent tetraplegic. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Coba MA. Mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament: a rare cause of knee pain. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Dentico R, Ma RT. Slap lesion in a bowler: an unusual diagnosis in an underhand athlete. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Eisenberg M, Elovic E. Botulinum toxin injection for spastic muscles with no volitional contraction: a case report of aberrant innervations. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Epperlein J, Yonclas P. Chest pain in a mountain biker. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Evans M, Foye PM. Double direction trigger finger. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Franz S, Panagos A. Interspinous ligament injections in chronic low back pain: two cases. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Jackson-Parekh R, Bach JR, Ishakawa Y. Cough augmentation in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Jasey NN Jr, Yonclas PP, Elovic E. A survey to determine the utilization of guidelines and practice trends in the management of concussion: a pilot study. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Kirschner JS, Brooks M. Pontine mai presenting in a 9-11 worker presenting as an acute CVA vs neurosarcoid . Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Kirschner JS, Elwood D, Berliner J, Moroz A. Resident knowledge and perception of health care policy. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Liang CL, Armento MJ. Symptomatic spinal intradural arachnoid cyst and tarlov cyst in a 12-yr-old male: case report and literature review. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Mizrachi A, Stitik TP. Viscosupplementation of the knee: time course for onset duration and pain relief. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Mizrachi A, Stitik TP, Mehnert M. Neuralgic amyotrophy in a young male after excessive video game play. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Mizrachi A, Yonclas P. Hook of the hamate fracture-Tennis [abstract]. Case Presentation, American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, 2008.
Reimer J, Altschuler EL. Hypoesthetic volar forearm patch in the setting of ulnar lesion but intact medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Varghese-Kroll E, Cole JL, Multiple Tarlov Cysts as a Cause of Coccygeal, Vulvar, and rectal pain: A case Report. Poster presentation, Annual Assembly of the American Academy of PM&R, November 2008.
Varghese-Kroll E, Elovic EP. Contralateral weakness and fatigue after high-dose botulinum toxin injection for management of post-stroke spasticity: a case report . Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Visco C, Rempson J, Nezlick B, Wolfe G. Trekking poles as an alternative assistive device for gait instability: a case study. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Walker H, Kirshblum S, Komaroff E. The use of duplex ultrasound surveillance for DVT in individuals with spinal cord injury at time of admission to rehabilitation. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
White BF, Malanga GA. Shoulder pain in a baseball pitcher. Case Presentation, American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, 2008.
Wyss JF, Gibson-Gill CS, Movsas SB, Cytryn AS. Absence of diarrhea clostridium difficile associated megacolon in a patient with spinal cord injury. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Zhang J, Adler US, Varughese S, Barrett A. Assessing awareness of cognitive deficit among post stroke patients. Poster presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, 2008.
Stitik TP, Buttaci CJ, Foye PM, Schoenherr L. Predictive
Value of Physical Examination of the Shoulder for Diagnosing Pain due
to Acromioclavicular Joint Osteoarthritis. Poster Presentation, American
Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Annual Assembly, October
Buttaci CJ, Stitk TP, Schoenherr L. A Complication of
an Osteoarthritis Medicine or a "Rare Bird" of a Diagnosis.
Poster Presentation, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Annual Assembly, October 2005.
McKenna C, Farber NJ, Eschbach KS, Collier VU. Does Anyone
Know What Physiatrists Do? A Survey of Internist and Family Practice Physicians.
Poster Presentation, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Annual Assembly, October 2005.
Skerker RS, James K, Tung D. Case Report: Infected Popliteal
Prosthetic Vascular Graft Masquerading as Pseudogout of the Knee. Poster
Presentation, American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Annual Assembly, October 2005.
Chimes GP, Elovic EP. How is the Spatial Information in a Dynamic
Task Such as Throwing Processed? Correlating Multiple Measures of Spatial
Cognition. Poster Presentation, American Academy of Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation Annual Assembly, October 2005.
Abbasi A, Malanga GA. Suprascapular Neuropathy in a Female
Karate Player. Platform Presentation, American College of Sports Medicine
Meeting, June 2005.
Buttaci CJ, Dennis R, Agesen T, Malagna, GA. Right Shoulder
Injury-Basketball. Platform Presentation, American College of Sports Medicine
Meeting, June 2005.
Chimes GP, Malanga, GA. Relationship Between Throwing
Performance and Anthropometric Measures in Adult Females. Poster Presentation,
American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, June 2005.
McLean JP, Nadler S. Hand Numbness in a Soccer Player.
Platform Presentation, American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, June
Abbasi A, Bach J. Lung Insufflation Capacity: A Technique
to Measure Deep Lung Insufflations. Poster presentation, Association of
Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.
Abbasi A, Im C. An Unusual Anatomic Variant of Martin-Gruber
Crossover: A Case Report. Poster presentation, Association of Academic
Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.
Buttaci CJ, Foye PM, Stitik TP. Coccydynia Successfully
Treated with Ganglion Impar Blocks. Poster presentation, Association of
Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.
Buttaci CJ, Foye PM, Stitik TP. Low Back Pain with Retained
Bullet Fragments Amenable to Zygoapophyseal Joint Injections. Poster presentation,
Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.
Chimes GP. Lateral Ankle Pain in a Middle Aged Runner:
Overuse Syndrome vs. Peroneus Quaratus Anomaly. Poster presentation, Association
of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.
Kim SR, Gans BM, Millis S. The 24-hour Bounce Back: Why
Do Some Patients Require Early Transfer from the Rehabilitation Hospital
to Acute Care? Platform presentation, Association of Academic Physiatrists
Annual Meeting, February 2005.
McKenna C. When a "Rule Out Stroke" Diagnosis
in Confused with "Saturday Night Palsy": Case Report and Discussion
of Financial Ramifications. Poster presentation, Association of Academic
Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.
Mehnert M, Agesen T, Malaga G. Infectious Discitis: an
Uncommon Cause of Low Back Pain. Poster presentation, Association of Academic
Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.
Shah A, Novick E. Anterior Interosseous Nerve Injury: an
Uncommon Cause of Deep Wrist Pain. Poster presentation, Association of
Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, February 2005.