Practice Sites
150 Bergen St, Newark NJ 07103

University Hospital (UH) is the primary training site for
the NJMS Radiology Residency Program. There are 42 residency and
fellowship programs at the UH which also serves as the primary training
site for medical students from the New Jersey Medical School. University
Hospital is the busiest Level 1 Trauma Center in the State of New Jersey.
It is also home to several nationally acclaimed Centers of Excellence including trauma-instensive care, Acute Stroke Center, New Jersey Cardiovascular Institute, Neurosurgical intensive care unit and Center for Skull Base Surgery, Neurological Institute of New Jersey, and one of the nation's top liver transplant programs and orthopaedic
oncology programs. University Hospital has 599 beds, 789 active medical staff, and has annually almost 20000 admissions, 100000 ER visits, 5600 trauma patients, 13000 surgeries, and 226000 ambulatory care visits. The Department of Radiology provides both a rewarding
inpatient and outpatient experience for residents.
University Hospital boasts 2 digital fluoroscopy suites, a 1.5 Tesla
MR, 128 and 64 slice multidetector CT machines, 3 ultrasonography suites, two
vascular interventional radiology suites, one biplane neurointerventional
suite, and 4 nuclear medicine gamma cameras. The Department
has integrated PACS digital imaging and voice recognition dictation system.
Annually the Department of Radiology performs 200,000 plain film studies,
45,000 CT examinations, 11,000 Ultrasounds, 6,500 MRI's, 2700 general
nuclear medicine studies, 2,000 PET examinations, 1800 Interventional
procedures (not including PICC and permacath exchanges), and 675 fluoroscopy
rocedures. Radionuclide cardiac stress examinations are also performed
in Nuclear Medicine.
205 South Orange Ave, Newark, NJ 07103

Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey at University Hospital (CINJ-Newark). The Cancer Institute houses
an integrated Women's Imaging Center comprised of 2 digital mammography
units, 1 analog mammograpy unit, one breast ultrasound suite, and one
stereotactic biopsy suite. Annually 3,800 screening mammograms,
1,900 diagnostic mammograms,and 500 mammography procedures are peformed
at UH.
Doctors Office Center
90 Bergen St., Newark NJ 07103

The Doctors Office Center (DOC) is an adjacent outpatient
imaging site. It is located across the
street from the University Hospital and is accessible via an underground
tunnel. Residents obtain experience similar to an outpatient private
practice radiology setting at the DOC. The DOC
houses a 1.5 Tesla MRI, a 16 slice multidetector CT machine, 2 ultrasonography suites, one fluoroscopy room, and a PACS
digital imaging system integrated with the University Hospital system.
A large number of screening bone density (DEXA) examinations and musculoskeletal
procedures are performed at the UH.
30 Bergen St, ADMC 5, Room 575, Newark NJ 07103

The Center for Advanced Practice Imaging houses a PET/CT suite
which provides additional outpatient imaging experience for residents. The center is operated by University Physician Associates.