Health Equity & Social Justice
Health Equity & Social Justice

Health equity, social justice, and diversity are common themes embedded throughout the residencies and medical school at Rutgers. Residents not only receive didactics and hands-on training in serving the underserved but are also given multiple opportunities to serve the local community both through formalized rotations and as extracurricular activities. From sessions on unconscious bias training, transgender care, and understanding socioeconomics of healthcare, residents are constantly provided education and platforms to review and discuss the many issues that surround our patients on a daily basis. Residents also have the opportunity to receive suboxone certification during their training.
Residents frequently volunteer or initiate community service projects with local or national agencies such as Habitat for Humanity, Jersey Cares, or Reach Out and Read. They also partner with faculty to deliver patient education and health services at local family centers and schools. See our photos below for a glimpse at some of the activities we have done.