Structure of the Curriculum Committees

*The pre-clinical and clinical sub-committees are advisory to CAP2. Thus, CAP2 agenda items do not necessarily require sub-committee input.
Article III, section 5.5 of the NJMS bylaws states:
The various committees shall regulate their own internal affairs, consistent with the Bylaws of the University and the School, and with the rules and regulations of the School. They shall be empowered to form sub- or ad hoc committees as needed for special purposes. The chair of these sub- or ad hoc committees shall, under ordinary circumstances, be a member of the parent committee. Other members of the sub- or ad hoc committees shall be drawn from the faculty. The Vice Dean, Associate Deans (and/or Assistant Deans) shall be members, ex officio and non-voting, of the appropriate committees, except as indicated below. Officers of the Faculty Organization shall be ex officio members of all committees of the faculty without vote.