Scholarly Activity Requirement

Scholarly Activity Requirement

Residency Research

Our Internal Medicine Residency Program is committed to fostering resident research. Performing research is not only helpful in developing analytic skills but also assists in career decision making! Our categorical housestaff are required to participate in research and complete an annual Quality Assurance/Improvement project during their residency.


  • Case Reports/Series

  • Case Control Studies

  • Database Research

  • Bench Research

  • QA/QI Research



Each resident works under the guidance of a research mentor. Depending on your area of interest, you may be able to identify a mentor on your own, or if needed, you will be assigned one. A list of ongoing projects in the department will be made available to all residents, including contact information for the resident and/or fellow leader. Research oriented workshops and didactics are offered each summer.

Each spring the Department of Medicine holds an annual research day. This event offers our residents the opportunity to display their work before their peers and faculty in the form of a poster and/or oral presentation. Residents are also encouraged to submit their work for presentation at other regional or national meetings.

Last year, our residents published 59 peer-reviewed articles, submitted 110 posters and/or oral presentations to national scientific meetings, and participated in numerous other local and regional research events.