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3rd Year Medical Students
Core Surgery Clerkship
Resources for the Surgery Clerkship

National Tutorial Seminars for Medical Students
The American College of Surgeons Division of Education is delighted to launch a series of online seminars called the National Tutorial Seminars for Medical Students. These online tutorial seminars are based on the content of the ACS/ASE Medical Student Core Curriculum and conducted by expert faculty in various surgical specialties. They highlight the foundational principles of surgery and are targeted for students in their core surgical clerkships.
To learn more about the ACS ASE national tutorial seminars for medical students, click here

Student Core Curriculum
The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Division of Education and the Association for Surgical Education (ASE) have collaborated to develop an online resource for medical students, medical school faculty, and clinical faculty. The ACS/ASE Medical Student Core Curriculum addresses the competency-based surgical cognitive skills needed by all medical students, not just those pursuing surgery, prior to graduation.
To learn more about the ACS ASE student core curriculum, click here

Surgery 101 Podcast
‘Surgery 101’ is a series of podcasts created in 2008 by Dr. Parveen Boora and Dr. Jonathan White, designed to help people learn about the basics of surgery. Our website features a range of educational podcasts and videos, and there is also a Surgery 101 app and a YouTube channel.
Each episode covers a single topic in 10-15 minutes so that learners can quickly grasp the basic concepts relating to a common surgical problem. Learning objectives are provided for each episode; episodes are divided into chapters and conclude with several key points to summarize the topic. Please explore our website using the search bar above or clicking through the drop down menus to find topics that interest you! We encourage all of our listeners to supplement their Surgery 101 learning by seeing patients, assisting at surgeries and reading widely!
To learn more about Surgery 101 podcast lectures and to access the content, click here
Suggested reading for the surgery clerkship
- Surgery: A case-based clinical review by Christian deVirgilio - a textbook written for medical students which utilizes clinical vignettes to teach important surgical topics.
- Essentials of General Surgery by Peter Lawrence – a textbook written by clerkship directors which is readable over the 8 week clerkship (suggested schedule follows), good for understanding pathophysiology and disease process.
- Dr. Pestana’s Surgery Notes by Carlos Pestana – a NBME shelf review book well regarded by all students.
- Surgical Recall – Good for reviewing case specific “pimp” questions, especially if going into a case that you didn’t get a chance to read for the night before.
- UWORLD, AMBOSS or another question-based bank for shelf question review