Addiction Joint Toxicology Fellowship

The combined Addiction Medicine and Medical Toxicology fellowship at Rutgers University New Jersey Medical School, is the only program of its kind. Over the span of two-and-a-half years, the program provides Fellows with a solid foundation in addiction medicine and toxicology, while fostering a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. Taught by a diverse and nationally recognized faculty in both specialties, the synergistic nature of these disciplines allows Fellows to acquire more comprehensive skills and a broader perspective on the overlapping aspects of addiction and toxicology. They will develop critical thinking skills, enhance their ability to identify and manage patients with complex toxicologic, compassionately treat patients with substance use disorders, and provide evidence-based interventions to prevent and treat drug-related toxicities. Furthermore, the program promotes collaboration and communication between Addiction Medicine and Medical Toxicology, resulting in more effective patient care and improved outcomes.