Current Students

Course Information

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The following course websites provide students with additional resources, including course schedules, lecture notes, lecture slides and supplementary materials:  

6718 5600S   Communicating Science 
BIOC 5003 Advances in Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics
BIOC 5007Q Foundations of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BIOC 5100Q Molecular Oncology
BIOC 5125Q Viruses, Cells and Disease
BIOC 5240 Molecular Biology of the News
BIOC 5290Q Critical Readings of Literature
CBMM 5020 Developmental Biology & Stem Cells
CBMM 5350Q Molecular Medicine of the Heart
CBMM N5001 Basic Histology
CBNP 5030Q Clinical Neuroimmunology
CBNP 5032Q Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience
CBNP 5033Q Systems Neuroscience 
CBNP 5034Q Biology of Vascular Disease
CBNP 5036Q Molecular Physiology of Cell Communication
CBNP 5037Q Regenerative Medicine
CBNP 5068Q Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
CBNP 5140Q Topics in Neuroimmunology
CBNP 5150Q Cellular & Developmental Neuroscience
CBNP 5155Q Critical Readings in CBNP
CBNP 5165Q Foundations of Integrative Human Physiology
CBNP 5250Q Introduction to Neurochemistry & Neuropharmacology
CBNP 5255Q Endocrinology of Growth and Metabolism
CBNP 5260Q Molecular Basis of Synaptic Disorders
DENT 5025Q Fundamentals of Dental Material Science
DENT 5154Q Introduction to Structural Biology 
DENT 5220Q-001 Methods in Microscopic Imaging Course
DENT 5300Q Oral Microbiology
DENT 5310Q Oral Immunology
GSBS 0001Q Student Family Health Care Center non-credit elective
GSND 0596Q Professional Skills 1 – Presentations and Productivity
GSND 5001Q Responsible Conduct of Research
GSND 5006Q Professional Skills II - Grantsmanship Skills
GSND 5008Q QA/QI Research Clinical Settings
GSND 5113Q Gene Expression 
GSND 5135Q Research Design & Statistics
GSND 5120Q Clinical Implications of Human Poisoning
GSND 5200 Introduction to Biomedical Sciences
GSND 5325Q Introduction to Bio-Medical Ethics
GSND 5330Q  Communicating Science & Medicine
GSND 5335Q Coronavirus Molecular Biology and Medicine
GSND 5340Q High Throughput Biomedical Data Analysis (BMDA)
GSND 5345Q Fundamentals of Data Science
GSND 53020Q Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Marketing
GSND 9000Q  SGS Internship
GSND N500A Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences A: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
GSND N500B  Fundamentals of Biomedical Science Part B: Cellular Biology
MBGC 5002Q Introduction to Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics
MBGC 5002Q Introduction to Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics
MBGC 5015Q Cancer Biology: Extrinsic Factors in Cancer Progression
MBGC 5020Q Cancer Biology: Intrinsic  Cell Signaling and Cancer Development
MBGC 5030Q Protein Dynamics in Health and Disease
MBGC 5055Q Molecular Genetics of Model Organisms
MBGC 5070Q Advances in Nucleic Acids: DNA
MBGC 5071Q Advances in Nucleic Acids: RNA
MBGC 5075Q Cell Death
MICR 5231Q Molecular Virology
MICR N5233 Microbes and Infectious Disease
MSBS 5000Q Master's Thesis
MSBS 5015Q The Host Response to Injury
MSBS 5125Q Teacher Training Internship
MSBS 5126Q Human Genetics and Genomics
MSBS 5130Q Stem Cell Biology & Applications in Molecular Medicine
MSBS 5150Q Medical Nutrition & Disease
MSBS 520AQ Advanced Stem Cell Seminar
MSBS 591A Seminar in Biomedical Sciences
MSBS 593A Masters Research Rotation (MSBS 593A Research in Biomedical Sciences)
MSBS 593A Research in Biomedical Sciences (Masters Research Rotation)
MSBS 599AQ Biomedical Training Internship
MSBS N5030 Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
MSBS N512Q Cancer Stem Cells
MSBS N5134 Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology and Dysfunction
NEUR 5170Q Neurobiology of Learning & Memory 
NEUR 5200Q Fundamentals of Neuroscience
NEUR 5240Q Demyelinating Diseases
NEUR N5040 Neurobiology of Disease
PATH 511AQ Immunology A
PATH 511BQ Immunology B
PATH 5010Q General Pathology
PATH 5100Q Cellular Pathology
PATH 5130Q DNA Repair in Health and Disease
PATH 5210Q Molecular and Cellular Immunology
PATH N520 The Business of Science: From Molecules to Medicines
PATH N5209 The Business of Science: Drug Development - From Molecules to Medicine
PHPY 5005Q Fundamentals of Human Physiology
PHPY 5020 Principles of Pharmacology 
PHPY 5085Q Neuroendocrinology: Regulation of Physiological Processes
PHPY 5280 Gastrointestinal Physiology & Nutrition
PHPY N5021 Fundamentals of Pharmacology
PHPY N5030 Topics In Pharmacology
PHPY N5225 Principles of Toxicology
PHPY N526Q Principles of Toxicology II
TIII 5021Q Molecular Pathogenesis
TIII 5022Q Advanced Concepts in I3
TIII 5156Q   Critical Readings in I3 B
TIII 555CQ Critical Readings in Virology
TIII 555DQ Critical Readings in Parasitology
TIII 5620Q Classic & 21st Century Pathogens

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